I flagged this, and I want to explain why.
I don't agree with the tactics you are using. Spamming people's wallets is not OK to me. Following 50k+ in order to get followers is not OK to me. Getting bid bots for every post, is not OK to me.
It's fake, all fake. It's your account, do what you want, but I just want you to know, that in the Steemit community, all of this shit you're doing will literally amount to nothing and make you a pariah in the community.
Do you, but you've been warned.
After speaking with scotty a bit on discord, the flag has been removed!
I don't see how giving people free money is a bad thing. Many people use bid bots on every post it's not like I should have to regulate it to like every other post just for you to not harass me. If this is actually an issue, it should be said as such. Not just you going around flagging people because you aren't a fan of it. It wasn't even for this post. It was like a thank you for following me. Please unfollow me for the future when I send out the thank you tips. Also from the looks of it you were the only one with an issue with free money. And then you upvoted yourself...
The only reason I upvoted myself is to ensure that other people, especially newbies, know that this type of thing is generally not acceptable on Steemit. Following 50k+ man, serious?
Flags are used for many things, in this instance my flag is completely acceptable. Now, I'm not too mad about any one thing in and of itself.
When I saw you using bid bots on every post, I didn't care too much, was like yea, w/e, let him waste his money.
When I saw you following 20k people, I was like WOW... But shrugged it off.
But then I saw you mass sending out the spam to people's wallets (whether it's free money or not), in tandem with everything else, it rubbed me the wrong way. I don't agree with these tactics and I believe it's fake as fuck.
I still think you have talent, but I just wanted to let you know that doing all of this shit will really make people look at you in a certain way, and it's not good. Yea, the accounts that are like 45 and below might not care, but I'm telling you now, you won't get support from the community at large with tactics like this.
I am/was just letting you know.
Talk to me about this on Discord Scottychams#5091
I think if you're going to preach about fairness, maybe use your upvotes on other people instead? Just saying, we all have our pet peeves. I think what he did is perfectly legitimate. Hell, at least he gave you free money. Do you go and downvote all the bots that send memos promoting their upvote services? If you really want someone to downvote go to @alesno1 and check out what he has been doing with @steempromos he is blatantly robbing people. Scott isn't. Thanks for your time. Namaste.
A) Do your homework. I definitely upvote other people.

B) I upvoted this comment in order to let people see the reason I flagged and to let people, especially newbies, know that this type of stuff is generally not accepted on Steemit.
So, do you downvote all the bots that send memos too?
I don't mean any disrespect. It's just a fair question that you haven't answered yet.
No. Read the response I left to scotty up above.
It's not just the memo thing. It's everything mixed together. The following every account on Steemit, the using bid bots on every post, the spamming memos.
Like I said, it's his account and he can do what he wants. This was my way of letting him know that it's not good for him on the platform and will do wayyyyyy more harm than good.
Not to mention it sets a bad example for newbies and other people. This is not the platform we want, spamming everybody, following everybody, buying votes all day everyday.
Imagine if EVERRRRYONE did that. This fucking platform would be a joke.
Get involved in the community. Talk to people. Don't do this shit, leave it for the garbage accounts.
I completely understand what you mean. But I think there is a certain level of spam you're just going to have to deal with. This is a capitalist platform whether you like it or not, so people are going to do whatever it takes to promote themselves. Personally, I think if I could follow every single account on steemit I would. Why? Because, that's how you get noticed. There are millions of people on steemit, chances are, without sending out memos and mass following people you will never reach your audience. If you go around limiting people and how they are able to promote themselves just because you don't agree with their tactics that just makes you a bit of a Nazi and a real bummer on steemit. No offense but I think your time would be better spent promoting what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
I wish you only the best and I hope that one day steemit can be free from tyranny.
This place was created by stoned anarchists. It's a shame to see police everywhere. :(
Yeah it's like if you're going to punish someone why me? Also you were the only one out of 1000's with an issue so is it unaccepted or just you are harassing me? Because it's happening everywhere and there is really nothing out there saying it's wrong except your comment here.
I just want to let everyone know that james and I came to an understanding via conversation on Discord and the flag was removed. Please consider this and have no hard feelings on either side.