My 10 Favorite Beatles Songs!

in #music7 years ago

You don't need any introduction to this band. The biggest name in music to date. This group had delivered plenty of classic songs and best rated albums of all time. Personally what is preety common, next to Nirvana this group lit my intrest to music in general. Today I'm going to run through entire Beatles discography and pick ten songs, which made me love them, had influence on me, supported me in also happy as well as sad moments, and also these I've got biggest sentiment to.
Before I'll start up my list, let's take disclamers out of the way. At first, this is my list and this only my opinion and secondly I wanna let you know I'm Harisson fanboy, and I prefer later work of the band more. So, here is my top ten favorite Beatles songs of all time!

Twist and Shout (Please,Please Me)- There isn't much to say about this song really. Unique screechy Lennon's voice, catchy as hell guitars makes, awesome buildup and classic backing vocals make this track easily best thing on "Please, Please Me". Also this is first Beatles song I've ever heard (I know it is cover). I remember back when I was child, we were riding down the highway on holidays with my family listening to this song countless times. It still gives me this nostalgic, sunny image of our bunch going on the beach together with smiles on our faces.

I Dont Want to Spoil The Party (Beatles For Sale)- Right now a bit less obvious choice. Instrumentalization on this track is just regular "Biebs Beatles" It's all about lirycs here. It tells this melancholic story I can 100% indentify with. Funky riffs delivered by Harrison also made me love this song. Go and check it out, if you haven't heard it yet. I'm sure you won't regret it.

Ticket To Ride (Help)- One of the catchiest songs they had ever made. Blilliant writing with plenty of sex references, simple, outstanding Ringo's drumming, and awesome main riff all together give my favorite track on "Help".

Hold up. I got to mess up chronology a bit right now, to give you some context.

Strawberry Fields Forever (Magical Mystery Tour)- This is the one which got me into The Beatles. Let's go back to 7th grade. When my English teacher played it on one of classes as well as Norwegian Wood, Yellow Submarine and Let it Be, this particular song was love at first sight. It was unique for me at that time. Slow, trippy and psychodelic vibe, and mysterious lirycs I didn't understand at that time ( and mostly I still don't) made me jam this song countless times, and explore more of their music.
P.S: Thanks Barbara!

I just mentioned Norwiegian Wood. Well, it also made this list.

Norwiegian Wood (Rubber Soul)- This is such a flawless track. It hypnotizes you instantly with sitar and John story, about a girl he once had, or should he sad she wanted him? It is dark, savage, funny. Pure poetry. Problem I've got with this song is pretty common for their other stuff. It is too short. I mean its perfect, but if it was longer for even single verse, I think it would be better than awesome. On the other side, the mystery song leaves us on the end is awesome. Classic!

Sgt. Pepper's Loneley Hearts Club Band/ With A Little From Help From My Friends (Sgt. Pepper's Loneley Hearts Club Band)- For me this is one song seperated into two parts. Listening to first without another is completly pointless in my opinion. This thing sets up whole mood of masterpiece, which "Sgt. Pepper's Loneley Hearts Club Band" truly is. Rocky, Hendrix influenced beginning introduces us to one of music's best albums, and slowly transits to carefree Ringo's part. When you hear it, you just wanna swing with your bunch(, If they only liked The Beatles...)

All You Need is Love(Magical Mystery Tour)- I hear it constantly in one of cell phones network ads, and I have nothing against it. Synergy between orchestra, Lennon's spoken lirycs and brilliant McCartney's bass is unique . It's simple, memorable, and easy to sing along. You just can't hate this song.

While My Guitar Gently Weeps (The White Album) In this Blues-Rock classic guitar didn't gently weeped at all. This emotional, multilayered perfectly sang track with Eric's Clapton solo is the best moment on selftitled album and one of my Harisson's personal favorites, but there two versions I like even more than "original". First is more acoustic Anthology 3 take with additional beautiful verse, and another, folky Regina Spector's cover from the film "Kubo and Two Strings".

I Want You (She's so Heavy) (Abbey Road)- Repeating three lines over and over again may seem a bit silly, but Lennon's effort and feel to these words makes this song special. It is almost 8 minutes long, but listening to it isn't lost time at all. Hard, slightly psychodelic vibe hipnotyzes and invites you for this mostly instrumental noisy journey. You don't have to say a lot to tell someone what you feel.

Something (Abbey Road)-I said before, that this list is made in album order. What a coincidence! My last pick today is my favorite Beatles song. It sadly shows how Harrison's work was underestimated. It was his only composition, which band decided to release as a single. It was good choice though. I just love these lirycs about not being sure why you feel something to other person, but you know it is special and unique. It touches me and coloures my life everytime I hear it. Perfect solo just expands this experience.

So that's it. I adore a lot of Beatles songs, but these are my favorites. What do you think of my picks? Do you agree/disagree? What are your favorites? Why? Let me know in comments, I'm really curious. Please, concider upvoting this post. You can follow me as well. I want to write a lot more posts connected with music in the future. I don't mind If you'll write comments with mistakes I've made. It would be awesome if you did it. I'm not native, and only human. Thanks for every support! I really appreciate it.