Stars are electromagnetic emitters. We can not see the stars in free space (outside our atmosphere). Visible light is a waste by-product of the EMF when it enters our atmosphere. Our eyes are designed to pick up this frequency that we call light. Each star or Sun as we call it, is a data emitter of coded information coming from counter space. The entire Electromagnetic spectrum has coded information on it. Objects that receive this EMF has receivers that de-code the data. For example our DNA de-codes the data in the light when it hits our shin. Other objects can de-code data in the infra red frequency, x-ray, ultra violet, radio, gamma etc. Our educational system has deliberately mislead us in the teachings of true physics. The powers to be know the true science but keep us in the dark so that humanity lags behind in technologies.
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I would like to understand this viewpoint further, but I have questions. How are you sure that light sources cannot be seen outside of Earth's EMF? What about Hubble? Do the Hubble images still show stars because the telescope is still within the EMF even though it is outside of the atmosphere? Is there any evidence you have from your studies that you are willing to share?
Hubble is in low earth orbit so it is still receiving EMF through gross matter (atmospheric gases). I can not give any specifics. I am trying to give you hints to help guide you in the right direction. One thing to take serious is the following. We do know that there is an intelligence existing in counter space that is programming the EMF's. Each EMF is different from each star. It is like each star is the end of a fiber optic cable. Who and what is this intelligence? What is the data that is tagged with each frequency wavelength? The answers are bone chilling. Perhaps ancient writings are some what accurate when they discuss a 'GOD" .