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RE: So You still want to be a RockStar?

in #music7 years ago

the family that plays together, stays together :) Rachel is adorable on her vocals and backing up Wayne. BTW, from what I could hear the bass sounded good despite lack of practice and you can tell Batwing is great on drums despite the limitations of the electric drum kit - hate those things. Get him on a Ludwig and he'll take off, lol


Thank You, My friend! Needed the E Drum kit to keep the volume down in my rehearsal space ! All other volumes being dependent on Drums. Was at a School Play last week , where Rachel had one of the main parts, She makes most other regular people look like introverts!

Rehearsal space sounds cool. I am looking for a nice practice room in Pretoria for my bass. Funny story about Rachel hehe.

Nice saying! What is a Ludwig?

a brand name of a set of drums you play drums?

As Played by John Bonham of Zeppelin