For Spotlight 2 We are yet again talking about another Soundcloud rapper. King K or Kaiydo. (
Kaiydo's Soundcloud has an average play count of 904K views. He has six songs up with the views ranging from 193K to 2.46M. The song with 2.46M Is called Fruit Punch.
- Fruit Punch By Kaiydo and Produced By Josh December has amassed 2.46M plays since it released 11 months ago. It became popular thanks to a large Youtube channel called Faze when they used the song in one of there videos. (Faze Video)
- Kaiydo's next most popular song is Arkade. With 1.02M plays 23K likes and 4K repost.
- While this is not Kaiydo's third most popular songs it is my personal favorite, "Red Freestyle." Red Freestyle has 631K plays 13k likes and 2k repost.
I like the art work I will check out the music as well.
I know right simple and clean but it works.
thanks for sharing
i follow you