There is something beautiful about Music...

in #music7 years ago

Today I throw out into the world my heart and soul. Isn't it just amazing how humans have the ability to feel. Feeling not in the physical sense and state but, in the mind, in your heart.

I guess what I am trying to say is that, love is an absolutely incredible sensation that we have all been blessed with! My love was somewhat, for a lack of better word, hijacked!

Lets grab an example shall we?


Bohemian Rhapsody! By Queen

What a beautiful song! This song, as performed by Queen, from an audio perspective is arguably a master piece! This track has enchanting harmonies, call and answer vocals with calls from one speaker and response on the other. The stereo staging is bountifully playful. The drums are positioned from a players perspective, the piano innocent and bright, guitars are roaring while the bass bounces and booms! Everything in this song has a place and purpose, together with creative story telling in its lyrics.


We have this beautiful composition which tells the story of man who accidentally commits the act of murder and in this moment he completely reflects upon his life. We are witness to the battle between him and the devil whom he has lost his soul to. You probably wouldn't have guessed the meaning of this song at first. However, if you listen to the clever lyricism and stereo placement, you can hear, imagine and feel the remorse, anguish and spiritual battle had in this marvellous musical adventure!

I completely encourage you to take some time out of your day, make a coffee/tea/whichever you drink and really indulge in this song, play it on repeat a couple times, keep the speakers at a nice stereo width apart. (1.2m from the centre of your seated point in width, find a comfortable distance and point the cones approximately behind your ears) and close your eyes. I encourage you to leave a reply! Tell me what your thoughts are! How did the song make you feel? What could you see? I hope that this article brings new light and life to your music!

Thank you again, until the next time!


Really like this write-up!

Some songs by Queen in the same vein (long, complex, multi-sectional) would include:

The Prophet's Song (A Night at the Opera, same album as Bo-Rhap)
March of the Black Queen (Queen II)
My Fairy King (Queen)
The Millionaire Waltz (A Day at the Races)
Great Rat King (Queen)
Innuendo (Innuendo)

P.S. the meaning to all, if not most of these songs hasn't been confirmed and remains open to the listener's imagination. Especially is our case of the no-doubt legendary Bohemian Rhapsody...

Thank you @adviceful I really do hope this has impacted you in some way, shape or form!

Excellent selection there too! I have noticed that the meanings are very open to the listener and heck! Maybe that's the greatest spectacle of it all, we the audience, have the power to decide what we believe the song means and share it along with that reason!

I guess it's all a matter of how the song's writer/lyricist would like their art interpreted. Some want their fans to view the words/meaning as they do, whereas other artists (like Queen) prefer for their work to have an air of mystery and ambiguity. Although, of course there are songs in Queen's repertoire where the band members open up and explain the original intentions behind certain compositions.

Thanks for the article, really made me happy to stumble across it!