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RE: What does Music mean to you?

in #music7 years ago

First off, that's totally awesome you play guitar. How long have you been playing for & what type of guitar do you own? I have someone who plays in the house so I know quite a bit about pedals, looping, & ways to achieve certain guitar effects. However it must be hard to improvise, you know I see people like slash or steve vai improvise and it blows my mind! Also music does have certain frequencies that do in fact have a way to cure our souls. Through the way a persons voice reaches certain pitches to things like binaural waves added to instrumental music. Thats actually what I use to sleep, any type of music that has binaural waves in it.
In regards to other types of music such as techno and people like DJ's, I just think it all about how you look at the way they're actually putting things together. A great DJ will have a good ear to produce the music he does & vice versa with anyone who produces techno. Although I will admit these genres are usually my least favorite too.


Yes i love to play guitar and play it for some 36 years. I own Ibanez JS model and also one Ibanez Ergodyne with a luthite body a synthetic material used by Satriani. Satriani is my hero but sure i also love Vai and Andy Timmons, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Johnson and many other. I can see we are really close about our thinking of music. I really appreciate to know you let's be freind. Here is a link to an excerpt of Satriani concert here in Bangkok in February 2017
I follow you now

We have a gio ibanez, however he wants a gibson of course because slash is his idol. However I love satriani, always with me, always with you! I always said I wish i could go back in time to be the maraca shaker in the song lol. I will definatly watch the video thank you so much for that. Also I already followed you from the first comment . (:

Thanks and keep on rockin'

Thank you, same to you!! Sending positive & good vibes your way!!