When so many people spend so much time and energy fighting against bad stuff, we don't notice all the good, positive, productive things those people could have been doing otherwise. Music is one thing I definitely wish I had more time for, in between doing battle with the superstition of "authority." So, for the first time in ages, I decided to take a few days to compose and record a thing, for no apparent reason. This one is a tad dainty, and "classicalish," so no need to prepare for head-banging on this one.
Now it's time for me to get back to work on "The Mirror"! But first, here it is:
As an aside, as someone who doesn't believe in "intellectual property," I think things like Steemit could be a cool way for some musicians and artists to make money off of what they produce, without even trying to stop people from copying their stuff (which is a lost cause anyway). So maybe this can also be a test case, to see how many people (if any) think this tune is worth a "like."
(For those interested in such things, this was produced using Reaper and the following plug-ins: SampleTank 3, Miroslav Symphony (basic version) and a Korg M1 emulator.)
congratulations excellent video thanks for sharing
I had no idea you were a musician. Beautiful track
Very nice! I'd love to get the music and make a cover for string quintet if you'd be cool with that!
I'd be cool with it, except I don't write or read music. I just remember it, or figure stuff out by ear.
This is lovely, @larkenrose. Now we know what you'll be doing 'come the glorious day' ;o) x
I truly enjoyed that, beautiful melody, very nice work Larken!