They are self-upvoting it via some vote trading. I noted it all in my article. They have 2 whale and 1 super-whale account and they can put it into trading automatically and instantly. They bet the vast majority of the payout that way, and the rest are just people who don't understand curation who upvote late and minnows thinking anyone with high payouts might be a good place to comment and hope for follows.
I read the yunk posts, and the ones I saw are all totally self-referential. In other words, you have to already think it is funny to laugh at it. Kinda like bad sketch comedy like SNL. Maybe I picked bad ones.
We can agree to disagree with yunk because I feel they are helping minnows out and any project that can help out is a good one! So back to this rental thing sounds like some big whale is behind it? Can you track it back to who it is? "follow the money" don't argue with a lady either or I might just have to show up to the steem meet up and show you a thing or two heee heee ;)lol
Yeah, I'm not really taking a strong position on Yunk. I don't really know what's going on in there yet. I've participated in a few comment threads on the posts though.
I wrote a post on the BookingTeam thing some time ago, but it wasn't too popular of a topic. You can see I tracked where all the rewards are coming from, 2 whales, 1 mega whale, and they all resteem each other's spam posts.
Wow, going to your post now. Even though I think I read it!