Here's my late-night in the kitchen version of a lovely tune from way back when. It was very popular when it came out and was recorded by lots of cool and interesting people. And this is me doing it.
I play it in Eb - if you want to play along, you can find the lead sheet with chords & melody here
The first version I ever heard was Annette Hanshaw and that's the Gold Standard for me, it's what I hear in my head when I'm singing it for you (even if my voice is a little more growly).
@lloyddavis perhaps you should play in the openmic contest. Just not sure if its still ongoing though :)
Good luck!
thank you, @englishtchrivy yes I entered the openmic this week - there's lots of competition, it's great :)
Love your voice. I haven't heard this song before but I really enjoyed it. Thanks!
thank you, that's very kind :)