“History will repeat itself, Crisis point, We're near the hour”
song ~ “(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang”
artist ~ Heaven 17
(Everybody move to prove the groove) [repeat ...]
Have you heard it on the news
About this fascist groove thang?
Evil men with racist views
Spreading all across the land
Don't just sit there on your ass
Unlock that funky chaindance
Brothers, sisters, shoot your best
We don't need this fascist groove thang

Brothers, sisters
We don't need this
Brothers, sisters
We don't need the fascist groove thang
History will repeat itself
Crisis point, we're near the hour
Counterforce will do no good
White blue eyes, I feel your power
Hitler proves that funky stuff
It's not for you and me, girl (no, no, no)
Europe's an unhappy land
They've had their fascist groove thang
Brothers, sisters
We don't need their fascist groove thang
Brothers, sisters
We don't need their fascist groove thang
Democrats are out of power
Across that great wide ocean
Reagan's president elect
Fascist god in motion
Generals tell him what to do
Stop your good time dancing
Train their guns on me and you
Fascist thang advancing
Sisters, brothers lend a hand
Increase your population
Grab that groove thang by the throat
And throw it in the ocean
You're real tonight, you move my soul
Let's cruise out of the dance war
Come out your house and dance your dance
Shake that fascist groove thang (shake it)
Brothers, sisters
We don't need that fascist groove thang
Brothers, sisters
We don't need the fascist groove thang
Brothers, sisters
We don't need their fascist groove thang
Brothers, sisters
We don't need that fascist groove thang
Brothers, sisters
We don't need their fascist groove thang [repeat ... ] (Image source)
“(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang” was the debut single of the early ‘80s electro-pop band Heaven 17. The band was formed by 2 guys who had left their previous band when it started to turn into a Human, All-Too-Human League.
Pop Against Fascism and Racism

Written shortly after Margaret Thatcher came to power in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the US, this song decries both the incipient fascism and racism of the times. In fact, the song was banned from airplay on the BBC, as its legal team feared that the song’s reference to the “fascist” Reagan could be thought of as libelous. Turns out it was not.
Pop Beats Censorship
However, most listeners at the time considered the radio ban to be just some “fascist groove censorship,” and the song rose to a respectable 45 on the UK charts.
A Clockwork Moniker
note – The band took its name from the Anthony Burgess novel “A Clockwork Orange,” in which there is a brief mention of a band named The Heaven Seventeen. (Image source)Heaven 17 – "(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang" (Right-click to hear on YouTube)
Lyrics by Martyn Ware, Ian Craig Marsh, Glenn Gregory, courtesy of – AZLyrics.com
References – Wikipedia
References – TheGuardian.com A Compilation of My Previous Lyrics Posts 3~30 This is my entry in the 60-Day Lyrics Challenge.
Lyrics Challenge.

Wow. I love the fact that this song took an historical perspective, exploring topics which many at the time kicked against. Racism and fascism and a couple of other "isms" are not good for the advancement of mankind.
Thanks for this beautiful song. Cheers!
Glad you like it. It was great to hear when it came out, cuz there were several big tides that my friends and I were opposed to. The one was the rather bland pop of the Human League, and the other was the far-right-leaning politics that reared its head at the time.
We may be fighting a losing battle, but most of my friends and I are still opposed to those trends.
I do not think much has changed since that time. Although the words fascisme and racism are (ab)used by many nowadays.
Posted using Partiko Android
Right you are!! Nothing much has changed, and what has changed seems to have gotten worse.
When I was writing this post, I read the lyrics "History will repeat itself, Crisis point, we're near the hour .
In many ways, history did repeat itself, and the now, even today, history is repeating itself again.
Thanks for your insightful comment. I appreciate it.
You are welcome.
We people are pathetic how come we learn nothing out of history?
Posted using Partiko Android
I guess some people just don't really want to learn the truth, don't care about anything beyond their daily lives.
The truth is out there, and people can learn it if they choose. If not, they remain uneducated, uninformed, and deluded.
To make matters worse, the media is not going to report the truth if it hurts their image, or if it hurts their countries' image, or if it exposes the lies or distortions that they had told previously.
Peace and Truth!!
Awesome lyrics. I really loved it. There will be more hope to see in your blog.
Thanks. Glad you liked them. There are only a few more of these lyrics post coming, but then the 60-day series will come to an end. Still, I plan to continue posting other music series eventually.
Hope you enjoy it all.
Very good. I like this writing. I look for more lyrics from you.
Posted using Partiko Android
I read your article very well. Your writing helped me a lot.