Music, Business And a Cool Pair of Shades

in #music11 days ago (edited)
So when your young, usually I have found, most youth, or young adults, generally in the nature of what is ostensibly “tribalism” align or resonate themselves with a particular music genre, I know this was true of myself, and I have observed it of many others.

When I was coming up as a musician, I was a “rock and roller” and oh no, we don’t listen to that “toff” classical music, very common, young and stupid what can I say yeah?

Anyway, over time, from that, I eventually was introduced to European Metal, from, a good friend of mine, Hrugnir from Sweeden, at the time I was what they call a “darktower junkie” and there was a band Demons & Wizards, which was a collaboration between Hansi Kurich and John Schafer, and because the lyrical content was appealing, that was basically my “In” to metal, I then, fell in love with Blind Guardain, and Iced Earth respectively, European Metal Guardian is my favourite, always will be.


But from that, you then start reaching out, looking at other bands, myself, to taste, I appreciate western metal, but its not, to my auditory palate my first preference, quite a number of good bands however, many of whom I like, but from that, listening to the Symphonic metal styled albums of Blind Guardian, I was exposed to string sections, and then I started to think to myself, goodness, I quite like that, and from that, I started listening to classical music.

When I was going through that period of time, I listened to ABC Classic & ABC Jazz, I specifically, would force myself to listen to those radio stations, to as we say in music, expand your aural skills, which I did, Jazz Track was my favourite (listening to some Jazz at time of writing) – Is the basement still a thing in Sydney? Should go there for a drink, never actually been.

I digress, but yeah, as you get older, and you find one piece of music you like, if you’re a proper musician, your going to expand, and then, I decided to study at the Open Academy conservatorium, and went through that whole process (green book) and then from that you continue to broaden your horizons, as a Composer, I actually cant hear notes and write, for me, when I write I need software like Muse Score or Sibelius, to hear the note, and then manually adjust it, it’s a very long process for me, learnt to old (Brain Plasticity, didn’t study proper notation and compositional theory until I was well into my early 20s, which, is far to late) Myself? I’m an improvisational musician, always have been, with my greatest inspiration being Mr Jimmy Page, which to tell you the Bonafide truth, is where I got my “occultism” streak from, not to begin with, but it greatly made me curious and I went down those rabbit holes, as you do.


But to myself? I am pretty like that as a person, I think the appropriate phrase would be like “Renaissance Man” or like “Jack of all trades, master of none” kind of very much describes my skill set and level of intellect to be honest, I just hear about stuff, look into it, do a bit, move on to the next thing, not to unlike a CEO or Director to be honest, if your not aware in Business, you need to understand a little bit, of all of your departments, otherwise, how will you ever be able to talk with them? They could tell you anything, and you wouldn’t know if its good bad or otherwise right ?

Just a brief quick one from me, because, as they say in marketing, content is king, and so to, is freshness, so if you have a blog, you need to be posting content, daily, if you can, but, in the vein of creativity, I would suggest, don’t force it, if you got nothing, don’t, force it, it reduces the quality of your work, so many bloggers, youtubers, social media content creators, force it, because we have to because of the “google algorithm” ok true, from an SEO point of view, freshness is important, however, so is quality, and forget the algorithm entirely, human beings, being human beings, like good art, and, writing is art, even if its just a news article, blog post, or silly squiggle if its on tap, and its flowing day after day, keep it going, but if your in a position where you wake up, and your like “I have to write a piece today” stop – take a break, the quality of your content when you get those creative juices come back to you, will be all the more better for it, and the quality of your content will be that much better, and at the end of the day, the “Algorithm” wants to put the right content, Infront of the right eyeballs,


Speaking of eyeballs, I also had this astronomy invention / idea for Naked Eye Astronomy (which is what I have always done mostly) its something on the MGI list internally for proposed invention / development, I think its cool, hey, sometimes I just do things because they are cool, but hey, that’s the Musician / Artist in me right?

"So I was like, yeah, we need to use AR, webhooks, and like data crawling so that like, when you see a piece of debris come down, and your like, was it a micro meteorite, was it a starlink satellite in LEO, blah blah, you can just like "hey siri it" coz you were looking at it, and yeah, will be cool useful tool, its on the list, would be super easy to do i reckon

“Like honestly, just scrape sky guide data, or public data feeds like we do in games for stuff for pings on discord, flip it overlay, like google glass, or something, make it stylish, and yeah, done, honestly, modding community could throw it together super-fast, just jailbreak some existing tech, layer it over the top, great, working concept, then you reverse engineer it and done.”

Anyway, as we say here in Australia, I need to “Catch a Kip” and be up for “Work” soonish, so wherever you are, remember Drive Safe, Be Safe, and have a Wonderful Day, were on the home stretch people! Thorsday ! then Friyay !

Written by Kashmir_Z
Art Generated by Krea.AI