Starting a Music Business is no easy joke

in #music7 years ago

A picture of my small home studio, basically a laundry I converted into a small studio. You got to do what you got to do right!IMG_5922.JPG

Working on a music video, photoshoot and the video shoot. Got to have many talents if you are to make it. Pretty expensive to hire other professionals so you got learn a bit of everything so you can save money until things start ticking and a few more dollars are coming in then you can look at bringing in others to help you.

THis is Byce one of my artists whom I am producing. JUst finished recording his mixtape yesterday, so mixing and mastering time so that we can the product ready for our fans. I as 7Spiritz also have my own mixtape in the making so will be keeping you updated with that.

capturing a bit of logic X video for the music video

More similar content will be coming soon! remember to follow if you want to keep updated and get the latest of what we are doing. Thanks for your support


Nice post, nice to meet you @mysticmind

Thanks a lot bud lovely to meet you too bud