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in #music7 years ago

People seem to be overlooking the fact not everyone who is suicidal shows it. "Oh he didn't look suicidal." Great, then that solves everything!: Courtney Love must have done it. The train of thought behind these conspiracies is ludicrous. Also, Courtney Love is dumb. I love Hole's music, but Courtney Love is simply not smart enough to get away with planned murder. Accept it: Kurt killed himself. He was a junkie who had had depression for almost all his life, not to mention mental illness in his family history.Plus money, drugs, fame, etc and any person can be driven to the brink. IMO


I heard and interview once with Love's father in which he claimed that she was very bright and had measured a high IQ at some point in her childhood. Don't mistake silly behavior for stupidity. It doesn't mean she killed him, but she's no dummy. Otherwise agreed. Even the seemingly best and strongest people can surprise you with a suicide. Sometimes there's just so much pain that it breaks them.

Of course he had a very dark internal life. I would argue that it did show. I think he faced it head on in a confident way, and that worked most the time, but all it takes is a prolonged lapse in confidence to give into the darkness. I think it was clear he had some depression.

I agree.
Sometimes, we place the people we like on a high pedestal, and say thing like "nah, he wouldn't do such a thing". That's where we make the mistake..

Humans aren't linear, they posses varied emotions and inclinations. Some of these might be buried until something/someone triggers it.

I'm not saying Kurk Cobain killed himself. I'm simply saying anyone is capable of anything given the right motivation

I agree with both. I have become more and more annoyed with all the "We never would have thought" comments or the "Can't be, he/she was such a funny person" comments over the last years after someone had commited suicide. In my view and experience, it's not necessarily about people on a pedestal, but about not looking "behind the scenes", and more, not wanting to do that. I understand and I know that this is hard to do, it's hard to pose tough questions for many reasons, one of the reasons might be that you could get tough answers, and not everybody can handle this (neither the person who is asked, nor person who has to deal with the answer). And to be clear: Even if you do this, if you have really deep and also hurtful conversations, ask tough questions and go through tough answers with someone, it doesn't mean that this other one won't harm him- or herself. That is, at last, out of your hands. But at least people wouldn't remain on the surface.

And finally related to this specific story: I do remember the moment in which I heard about Kurt Cobain's suicide very well. I was 20, I had my own TV (yep, not everyone had that back then) and MTV or rather VIVA (sort of the German version of MTV) was on. And at some point during the program they inserted a newsflash at the bottom, I remember it started with "Sad news", followed by "Kurt Cobain is said to have killed himself" and the standard "more as soon as we know". My first reaction was shouting out "No." But it didn't shout "no" because I wouldn't couldn't believe it, but because I just didn't want a world without him at that point. That being said, I wasn't surprised at all about the news, I could relate, but I guess that's where also my own story comes into play. I'm actually working on telling more about that, with the thought in mind that it might help others only to understand only a tiny bit that people think, feel and experience in very different ways and that it is (I think) important to at least be aware of that.

nice book story

story is good

He's just a junkie. Those are the words that enabled bad cops to not do that detective work that was necessary to find the killer back then and still today. Hes a junkie. It's so typical. It had to happen eventually, etc.

Meanwhile, here are the facts. The door was not barricaded. The shell casing was on the wrong side of the gun. The gun was at an impossible angle. The heroin in his system was so great that handling a gun would be impossible. The former Seattle police chief ADMITTED they botched the case and that it should be reopened. The suicide note was found to have entire pieces traced from Cobain's own notes, AND Love claimed the suicide note was found under her pillow the day Cobain died even though her PI checked under her pillow the night before, found nothing and Cobain had been dead for a week already. Furthermore, Cobain leading up to this event had appeared to many to be more or less getting his life together, and had planned to divorce Love according to several reports from close friends. That means she stood to lose a lot of money and fame. Watched Soaked in Bleach, the things she said to the PI expose what she was really worried about when Kurt went missing.