In the process of setting up my carbon-neutral, eco studio deep in the rainforest.
Incredible, distracting views from the windows and from the large deck. Lol.
distracting is actually the wrong choice of words.
Better choice of words.
What a view. I expect you see some cool wildlife. I hope it's not too noisy
The photos don't even capture the beauty! And yes, there's a lot of wildlife. I've seen a huge Goana (which actually came up to the front door), bandicoots, glow flies, and heaps of bird varieties (including very large kookaburras and eagles)...
Plenty of noise, but it doesn't impact badly upon the studio.
Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy
This new house of yours looks so peaceful and nice. Except there's five (?) kids in it so it's probably not that peaceful actually...
It's very peaceful, but yes, the kids do regularly break that peaceful vibe, Lol!
Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy
I imagine this is your church :) How beautiful xx