It hasn't garnered as much attention as my Open Mic entries, but this is the heart-vibe that the rest of the music I create centrifugally spins from and then centripetally spins back towards.
The next time you play it, why not pull out your Djembe and jam along?! If you're inspired and feeling that vibe, do it! 🙏🏽🎼Yay! I'm so happy you found this tune @thekittygirl!
Pirate Radio was fun today. I can't believe I was listening for that many hours actually. Lol! But I discovered a couple of awesome new artists and it was a wonderful surprise and deep honour to have @r0nd0n play a couple of my tunes amidst it all!
Well, I'm stoked that we've connected (I just started following you) here and I look forward to connecting some more...