In 2004, I was a schoolboy, just beginning to listen to heavy music. I remember, then only cool phones appeared with a memory of 5-10 megabytes and a flash drive, if lucky. And in one of the shops to repair phones guys downloaded music in a compressed format on mobiles. Every Sunday, I and my Siemens were in that service center like bayonets. I'we always looked through the lists for hours and chose songs blindly.
There I looked at one single song of Slipknot. The choice was to hell - it was a dull remix, and not even of their composition. But for some reason the desire to hear at least one song Slipknot was incredibly large. I do not even remember from whom I learned about the band, but I started to come in musical stalls and look out.
A month passed and a desired album appeared on the counter. Slipknot - Slipknot 1999, the first studio-work. I was so fired up with a desire to buy it, that I did not even notice that it was an audio cassette, and not a disc. Yes, and heck with it, I could find a tape recorder, but to collect money for a purchase is another matter.
And then the cause of the case played a role. A few days later, there was a holiday, and my mother and I wandered around the city, I do not remember why. And she asked me what to give me as a present. You should have seen my face at this moment. The price tag on that cassette was the highest among all the albums that were only in the music store, but my mother still bought it for me. It was not even joy - real happiness.
At home, I found an old cassette-player, printed out the purchase and turned it on. I remember this half-meter tape, on which the lyrics of all songs compositions were a bonus. But even more I remember disappointment.
I did not like Slipknot's music. The vocalist che-there yelling, understanding only the abuse, the drummer as a demon hammers into the bass-drum, and overloaded guitars roar so that you can deafen. I long regretted that I persuaded my mother to buy this album. There was a feeling that I was robbed, and with my own initiative.
But due to greed (still sorry for the money), I went back to the records. And you know, with each new song I listened, I caught something interesting for myself. There's a cool chorus, and in that place the reef is cool. As a result, this album became special for me.
I quickly got used to nu-metal, which until recently seemed to me some kind of satanic music. Each song in a Slipknot album for me is very special, and in spite of the primitive music, which they then played the studiynik for me the most important and beloved in the discography of nine Iowa guys. And maybe in general in all rock music.
As a result, the album I losed. Cassettes were not particularly needed, but this one was stored as a memory. She was really dear to me, and even after five years I tried not to give anyone, but I listened only occasionally. But my brother asked me once to listen and I newer saw it again.
The album "Slipknot" is twice platinum, having also noted one more interesting event. In 2005, well-known in the music industry critic Robert Daymeri and his team have collected different genres almanac, called "1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die», where the first studiynik Slipknot was on. This almanac is a compilation of the most significant albums in the world of music (of course, according to critics) in the period from 1955 to 2005.
In general, this is one of my favorite albums.
Great album!
Hell yeah!!
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