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RE: One of my songs has won an award 🎉! Om Vrish Elle (Best Vocal Single at OMWR Awards) And some thoughts about Universe restoring balance

in #music2 years ago (edited)

I'd probably watch The Chicken Show.

I once had a cat that obsessed over playing fetch with some specific toys it liked. I had to hide them otherwise I'd have to continuously throw them every 20 seconds since a cat is so much better at that game than a dog. No messing around. Straight to the point. I trained it to be like that but at the same time, the cat was a natural. Very smart for a cat.

Wild birds land on my fingers but I cheat by sitting still and holding seeds in my palm. Do that for a few days and they'll come on their own. Chickadees mainly. Squirrels as well but I try to leave them alone. They can be really demanding.

Had a weird thing happen about two weeks ago. I thought I heard a lost child in the woods. Sounded like someone calling out for help so I went to investigate. It turned out to be a magpie sitting up in a tree saying, "Hey mom? Mom? Hey mom?" Someone else I know heard it as well but didn't see it and of course didn't believe me when I told them. Nobody does but I'm okay with that. I just add it to the list of cool things that happened to me in life. It's getting quite long. No awards though! But that's okay.

And yes, it's important for life to get a bit messy sometimes. Without it you can't know when things are good since there would be nothing to compare the good to.