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RE: [Metal Detector #004] Black Sabbath - Paranoid

in #music8 years ago (edited)

The first 6 Sabbath studio albums as a set (eponymous debut through Sabotage) may be the greatest debut set of 6 amongst any rock band ever. I think the poor production on Maiden's first LP hurts them when comparing. Zep did way too many covers IMO to be considered (and didn't give credit where due for others). Rush had a clunker in their first 6 (Caress of Steel comes to mind). Love to hear other opinions though.


Good morning and many thanks for your answer and opinion.

I have a feeling that #metal detector will follow your thoughts :)

Give me some time to answer your question, please. I am off to work now.

Just a first call - what about Deep Purple?

Ps: following you :)

I must admit that I don't know a ton of the Rod Evans era DP (first 3 LPs). Hush is really the only recognizable song from the first 3 LPs to me, other than the covers. I think the Gillian and Coverdale versions of DP were/are much better. Again, only my opinion, and RIP Jon Lord.

Hello. All I can say is that I agree with you :)