Firstly i must say as years passed away the music and the industry has changed in many diffrent ways.I must say also the people changed and evolved music in many ways.A lot of new music genres were made through the years,todays music compared to music 40 or even 50 years ago it has a lot of diffrences and was evolved a lot but not in a good way. Clearly we can see that todays music is everything about money women drugs and bad things but in past it was only for positive things like love family friendship and etc.Generally the world has changed in a bad way but the music should not be affected by the bad changes that happen in our world.Todays new generations are beening brain washed by todays propaganda with nudity drugs and money which they think that is good thing but they do not know the thruth.If we the older and normal people reunite and bring normal music and positivity may still there is a chance for the upcoming generations.
This was my first post here and everything said here is my own and personel opinion.If you would like to read some kind a post or topic written from me feel free to contact me