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RE: Amaranthine By 2

in #music6 years ago

There is no way you could have figured this out (almost). Lynds was pursued by a whale and during that time learned who would stick up for her and who wouldn't. This was her silver lining I then combined with your hair color after your hair statement in response to my post.

My feet are killing me!! Always fun on the first day of shooting where the only outlet available is behind that overloaded refrigerator or arcade game that I can't move holy moly had to walk across town because the boom pole won't fit in the storage compartment of the scooter pay for parking twice walk across town 4 times director in a rush not listening to me and actors forgetting their lines and equipment making too much noise, garbage truck at a standstill in front of the door and police sirens interrupting the shoot uhgain, but, .. there was eye candy.

With silver linings you did pick a clip with many familiar ingredients, but the grenades I saw today weren't real and would probably bounce off the window rather than crash through. Now I'm curious about losing sleep.