Thank you very much @glenalbrethsen ! I'm glad you liked the song , there's a lot of hard work put into the whole album :)
Regarding the album being recorded in one day , it's not uncommon to lay down the rhythm tracks in a day or two , the whole bone to work later with overdubbing. This meaning that I cut bass and drums for the whole album in one day , with previously pre-produced tracks . Guide vocals , guitars and pads already set up and lined over a click so the band could play over them. I also had all the music charts done and well , the musicians were also studio experienced . Usually when you track with session musicians , they should be able to track everything in a day , making a few takes per song. ( I'm a studio musician myself and you being fast saves studio time thus saving money ) .
I did not redo anything regarding the basic performances in the rhythm section as I wanted to keep some live element to the album , just editing and choosing certain things from certain takes. The guitars, vocals , percussions and pianos were done later on my studio at my own pace.
So , while cutting the basic raw tracks can be done in a day or two , it's just a starting point and the rest of the process usually takes more time than that :) . It might be a couple months until I have the rest of the album out since I do most of the work by myself!
Thank you for the kind wishes and I do hope this is the start of a new chapter for me , and STEEM has helped it already! I would not have been able to record this in the first place :D
Thank you once again and cheers!
Okay. I wondered about doing all of that in a day, but I understand what you were saying now. I've heard that studio time can be expensive.
Sounds like a lot of work, regardless. But if you love it, I'm sure that helps, and if your album does well, even better!
It's good to hear that you were able to finance a lot of this with STEEM. In my mind, that's ultimately what it's there for. I think there is still a lot for STEEM to do, especially price-wise, to make that a reality for what people might want to use it for in most countries of the world, but the more STEEM can be used for what we need it for, the better.
Good luck. I wish you the best with this.
Thank you again :D!