
I am fascinated by what the technology can achieve, but I never saw a live holo event. my guess is that following years of development and evolution, this tech will eventually make us unable to distinguish between real and holograms.

@energox, It will get better and better that even people like myself who are skeptical would think it's cool. Part of it is getting good enough actors and animators to make it look good enough.

Michael Jackson was an individual that could not sit or stand still when the music began to play, his body would move on its own accord even improvising on the spot in order to give the best performance, pouring his heart out. In a way he truly was a slave to the rhythm yet at the same time became the rhythm and ultimately was the rhythm. This hologram misses his unique stage presence. Hmm, though my respect goes to the impersonator for trying.

@usmanzeb, Very true, I actually just commented on @energox's comment here who mentioned that the tech would get better. But half of it is the performance and how the animator/impersonation is done.

The problem with holograms is that they only look real on videos, once you see it in real life, it's completely different. I has something to do with the fact that a video is essentially a "single eye", as opposed to using both eyes to look at the projection, your brain understands it differently :)
Cool tech nevertheless. Shall you be interested check out my CES post:

magic leap here.. Magic leap does seem to be looking into the future with their technology. I think that the Augmented reality is the future.Yes, I 100% agree that's true. The difference is, you have to wear a headset with the vr stuff. Have you seen magic leap or oculus rift? @design-guy did a great post on

It's a very hard to believe thing that science could unleash the unimaginable.

@k-stone, That's what science is for. See commercial flights to space this year. :)

He was transparent, the way holograms in films are transparent.Three dimensional, definitely really there and fucking...transparent."

Yes, he was transparent. Holograms are transparent. @onaghise, the in-person show would be much differen than recorded. The youtube videos and photos can be edited and color corrected!