@beatseb@djlethalskillz@scuzzy are we prepared to beat this computer in the beatbattle next season? @chiefmappster.... I see a new challenge here.. he.... he... he.. or shall we move to sculpturing and paintings to express our beings
I follow you now! We should find a way to collaborate on some blockchain music huh? @djlethalskills Shoot me an email if you're interested at [email protected]
Peace mah man@ kudos on the approach i love it and im always down to collaborate and create dope shit! haha lets do this ima email u from my email Salute
yet figured out how to bring more emotion into their creation. You cleverly pointed out that now that the mechanics are in place, they should start to work on those more intangible human music qualities.Great post @playitforward! I can't help to think that this music is still "human music" because the ultimate source of the creation is still us! AIVA is just using a very computationally intensive instrument, and their instrument is still in a nascent phase of development so it is excusable that they haven't
click here.Congratulations @playitforward, this post is the most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1411 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $12722.14. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.
Congratulations, your post received one of the top 10 most powerful upvotes in the last 12 hours. You received an upvote from @thejohalfiles valued at 294.90 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.
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Impressive and I will probably be hearing your work in the near future in a movie somewhere. PS I seriously want that computer! how do you keep it cook with all that processing power?
The samples on the soundcloud is actually seriously impressive! Imagine when they get to train this AI over a few years and are able to give more specific inputs.. Everyone can soon be a John Williams.
Maybe in 5 years we'll see tech startups make the soundtracks for most AAA movies.
@znaffe It isn't, you're right. It is a little scary, considering all of us who have spent so many years learning music. I consider myself on the edge of Music and Technology though.
@amirouch I think you're right. It can't replace it, but it can be used to make music that humans can perform which sounds more human. It is a great tool, and as a composer I will want to do this too.
Thanks, didnt know about this project. At first I thought that aiva only composed the sheet music. I was baffled to learn that it kind of played all the virtual instruments. (Did it do also the mixdown?). I like classical music but i'm not very fond of full orchestration. The solo piano piece was clearly influenced by at least 50 % bach (I loove bach) and I couldnt tell a difference if composed and or played by a human. Bach is an interesting choice cause it doesnt have to deal with a lot of dynamic play too much. But there was dynamic play! The orchestra pieces sound too perfect, could use more dynamic...but that is just how I hear most orchestra music. In the end it is the performer or the conductor deciding what could be played in what mood. There can be dramatic changes with the same piece played by different performers. I would like to see some research, blinded test with experts in classical music. I'm pretty sure they cant figure out what the pieces of aiva are. And sounds like aiva is in its infant shoes.
Yes, computers will outperform humans in art pretty soon and already right now. I wouldnt be surprised if in 2 years we find out that the 3 of the top ten music hits are written by AI. Maybe soon AI will create a new genre of music...its learning from masters, influencing, mixing it up and improvising....just how humans invent new genres.
"Machines have no feeling"....well...this is a point we wont figure out that soon. Maybe not yet....but what are we? We are machines, we have a (pretty much) central processing unit and the basis of our thoughts is a complex neural network and we are highly influenced by biochemistry and sensoric input...we can process tiniest differences in airpressure and we can "hear" (hearing is amazing...seeing even more)
....we dont understand consciousness yet...but there are many forms of consciousness (psychedelics can give a hint about this). I'm pretty sure AIs will have consciousness, but it wont be in no form like ours...cause the inputs are so different.
I think it can do what they assign it to do. I think it can do the sheet music, but also has samples it can access. The piano was mostly Bach oriented. Since there are strict rules for Bach, I didn't find it THAT impressive but it did sound like Bach could have written it. I agree... Orchestral pieces are so dynamically diverse that when a sample just plays at the same level or small range, it doesn't feel real. Right AIVA is in it's infancy. It does sound like it's written by a young composer to me, perhaps high school age but well trained.
That's actually a compliment to them though, since that's hard to recreate. I agree that computers can outperform humans in art, but I don't agree that their performances will be any more than just quantity. I think the human brain and artistic sensibility go hand in hand. Unless the specific artist is programming and knows how to, they won't be able to make their own style very well unless they just do the art themselves. If AI can be used to pitch new genres of music, maybe there won't be genres in the future at all. Maybe it will be that music is just music, and stuff can sound similar but blend styles so much.
Right, so machines can't understand consciouness or unconsciouness, or subconsciouness yet, since we're still discovering what those mean for ourselves. And the feelings, expression, interpretation... that a computer can't do yet. A computer can calculate, and create based on those, but it can't interpret these subcontexts that humans are able to do so well. But as always, technology can prove me wrong too. @darwin.finch
@playitforward Would you say that art is in the creation or the interpretation? Or, maybe I should ask, if an unsuspecting audience member happened to be moved by a piece that was created by an AI, would it matter if the brain-thing that created it was electronic versus organic?
If an audience is moved then I'll pay more attention to it. As of right now the music isn't at a point where it's moving, just at a point where it's technically starting to get to competition level. @tajmikel But to answer your question, no it wouldn't matter. But the technicality of a computer making judgments like a human brain isn't there yet. Hopefully someday soon.
I see what you're saying but I think appreciation of art is (of course) highly subjective, and especially to the uninitiated (those unfamiliar with the process of making or producing music), even what might be considered amateur or folk works can move many. I think the music is therefore already at a point where it can move audiences, and I even found myself a bit inspired by some of the AIVA works. :D I appreciate your insight and thank you for your reply! :)
Initially I wanted to write that AIs proberbly will not be able to create new genres, only recreate similes. but then I was thinking about it and the neural networks I have seen perform, creating "lifeforms" made of sticks and balls being able to get better at achieving a certain goal in the most unexpected way by an evolutionary process. Lets see whats coming. Everything is so exciting right now!
I was quite impressed by what I heard from the first few samples you posted. I once watched a YouTube video that attempted to show a computer randomly learning how to play music after if was fed classical works and it sounded very robotic. In some circles these pieces can pass off as "real music". I'd love to see what they have lined up next. Thank you for sharing this.
That's what I'm hoping for next. Hopefully something professional grade that anyone can access. Like a high-quality app or all-in-one music making machine! It is impressive in most ways. I would love to see that youtube video you saw! @adriansilas
@hemanthoj, You know I don't want to sound biased because I've never used it. I have always see parts of it and thought that it was sort of like Garageband, not super pro but good for people who what to just make music. The more hardcore programs that allow more manipulation, power, etc are what I prefer because of their flexibility on so many levels. Digital Performer is the most flexible sequencer for composing, especially through composing. Logic is okay, but DP beats it in my opinion. I may give logic a solid chance again sometime though. For mixing and mastering Pro Tools is definitely the one.
As a music artist myself, I've been concerned about things like this for a while now, but I hope people will at least prefer human music makers to artificial ones. I mean, it's interesting but also scary.
It's silly and crazy that we even have to type human music to clarify that there's a non-human music. I don't think about it as a replacement except potentially in the game world (which are some of my clients). I do think of it as an asset for composers as well to use the tech to make frameworks or inspiration for finishing pieces. @nathanweeksart What are your thoughts?
"To me, the first thing that comes to mind about this is that it poses an opportunity for music composers to use this technology to create musical ideas and transform them into something more human." - Yes to this! AI can allow us to explore creative possibilities that didn't exist before.
Sure and the other thing I must mention as a composer myself, (well I call myself a sonic artist really ) is the enjoyment of doing it. There is also the issue of engineering, equalization, mastering which is an ear experience and differ from each other and can be easily 'spoted' from a machine. Sure the industry, specially the video game industry (where the music works pretty much as background) may take a great advantage of AI 'composers' like Aiva, but the general public , the one's who enjoys live music, when the music theme is the central subject, the true listener will never be fooled by a machine and will easily distinguish the emotional differences.
@projections, this is true. There is an enjoyment of doing it. Just like you said, engineering, equalization, mastering, those are ear experiences. And actually what makes good mastering and mixing is the individual's ears and how they want to hear it. I don't know if the emotion part will be solved by people anytime soon for programming emotion seems impossible. But we might always be surprised some day. I fully agree with everything you said, except I do think the composers AI based are definitely a strong asset for us composers to use as a jumping off point on our compositions or to show us ways we can get out of certain parts. Sometimes you just get stuck writing in a specific section. If you could plug your piece in up to that point and have it treat the music as an unfinished piece, it could then help push you along to finishing more pieces.
This is true, I actually have a post coming that's an album that was generated by AI. It in general sounds terrible, but as a composer, those are great building blocks to make something better out of. It's not too much of a threat to replace composers, but definitely a threat if composers don't know how to use it and work with it. Like any great new technological advancement, we must learn ways to embrace it or we will be considered "old-school." @projections
AI can be a great thing for humanity but also a dangerous one. We are currently playing with it, doing "nice" things, but once this becomes viable probably others will try to use it for military purpose. And from that point on, the forces of the world might change as we know them.
Nevertheless, the AIVA music generator is a great achievement and i would point out the work done by the creators for taking the things one step further in the musical world.
In a sense, AI has already been a part of military technology. Not as humanoid robots, but as drones. This will probably fork over to making more humanoid, or humanless killing machines. Who knows, someday maybe wars will be fought only AI vs AI and not humans involved. The only thing is, will the AI know not to harm humans.
This could be a huge advancement ot the music world, but I am wary of how it could harm music creators. @cryptorg
Thanks @hansikhouse! And thanks for the Resteem, wow! It's some crazy futuristic stuff. I think the beauty is really the hybrid of a computer writing it and humans playing it.
Nice meme! @xyzposter, thankfully at least with the computer it's built using human tendencies and standards for theory, harmony, and in some cases, rhythm. What is an opportunity to me is using the technology to speed up the music creation process by helping generate ideas in a larger number, more quickly. Taking this information to write for the people that dedicate this passion, skill, and time to the music.
The Future is still not here as the music composed were terrible to the ear drums, my gosh what is this garbage seriously I beg you to halt this project and let someone else work on it as you know this type of genre in music is not popular anymore and if this AI can't spit out popular genres then it is rendering useless like my garbage can.
It's definitely a step forward though. To be fair the music it's producing is much more complicated than most pop music. Bach counterpoint takes so much more time and energy than just writing a standard chord progression these days. Take it from the guy who uses both. I want to use it as a tool! :D @yippy123
I was just envisioning the progress of such a dystopian development last night. JK, but I do consider what such a program will do once it enters the pop industry, which is already questionable when it comes to the "human emotion" being conveyed. I feel like as this program progresses it could become the sole creator of pop hits in the future, as our minds numb, and we let our ears do all the listening. Artists like Katy Perry will go to musicbot records, sing a note or two, and the entire pop hit will be produced, lyrics and all.
As a musician, we already leverage software mightily. I used to create all my music with hardware until I found FL Studio and realized the advantages were large for me to cutover, but unexpectedly, through that transition, something was lost. A "feel" I had in my music became static and dry. That is, until I was able to integrate some of my old techniques into the music production, like plugging in instruments.
But once we let AI loose into the wilds of music production, it seems to me that some various gloomy eventualities present. However, I do really like the No Man's Sky soundtrack! Thanks for sharing.
@glowmo, I see part of what you're saying. But I think that Katy Perry is one of the most brilliant lyricists and her songs are literally and physically masterfully crafted for pop music. I think the AIVA computer could potentially come up with the magic framework that makes a pop song, but wouldn't be able to produce it to the level her producers can. I mean Max Martin vs a computer... anyone would hire Max Martin. Regardless of price.
Yes, the digital feeling loses it all. That's why I supplement it with analogue modeling with my UAD interface and plugins.
No Man's Sky was brilliant huh? When I played it I just was mindblown that it could be all procedurally generated... like... how is the whole world not freaking out about this still?
A while ago I saw a drama "Humans" on artificial intelligence. I have an interesting interest in artificial intelligence. The music of aiva sounds very natural and beautiful.
I would love to watch this drama "Humans," even though it sounds sort of terrifyingly interesting.
I have mixed feelings. AIVA only sounds natural in parts because they are recordings of people playing them, and because it was programmed by humans based on human tendencies in music. This is true that it does a decent job, but it doesn't come anywhere near actually replacing human composition yet.
incredibly interesting, thank you for putting this together. i had the chance to listen to the soundcloud page some and i am surprised by the emotional complexity Aiva is able to achieve.
as a someone who composes music for others for a living this is slightly threatening. are we going to be gone away with like truck drivers and factory workers in the AI future?
As a professional composer, I have to say that this technology is frightening on the one hand and intriguing on the other. The question remains, what makes an ingenious composition. Is it the mere application of musical rules or is creativity not in the violation of the rules and the right balance in between?
Definitely an exciting development!
I agree, I guess in a way it has to just be good enough to impress everyone who isn't a composer. It's definitely about balance of following reasonable musical rules while also breaking those rules that makes a good composer. Often compositions do call for solid structure and no rules broken too. I guess to what extent do you use AIVA and in what circumstances does its application help the music production process. @lifesciencemusic
The lack of human touch and feel in the compositions is obvious enough to a musician like myself, however I'm so overwhelmed by the magnitude of this achievement, that Its an insignificant factor to me. Bravo! Very VERY good job.
I am with you there! It's huge. It doesn't feel overwhelmingly human, there are humanistic elements, but again thats what you get when a human programs a computer to sound like a human. @futuremind
It's an amazing achievement nonetheless, and will most certainly suffice for many applications cutting costs for companies in audio track solutions while not threatening the industry. I love it! I just followed your blog.
There's more, I have a post coming out on new years day if you are interested. I think there are three major things coming up. AI, Crypto, and the third will be in my post on Monday. :) @mathias240
@beatseb @djlethalskillz @scuzzy are we prepared to beat this computer in the beatbattle next season? @chiefmappster.... I see a new challenge here.. he.... he... he.. or shall we move to sculpturing and paintings to express our beings
Haha @beatseb @djlethalskillz @scuzzy @chiefmappster I would say, no! Find a way to use the tool built to defeat you in a way unexpected to forward your beatbattle submissions! @seveaux
Woooo hooooo!
I follow you now! We should find a way to collaborate on some blockchain music huh? @djlethalskills Shoot me an email if you're interested at [email protected]
Peace mah man@ kudos on the approach i love it and im always down to collaborate and create dope shit! haha lets do this ima email u from my email Salute
Thanks! Let me know when you do, I'll check on it @djlethalskillz
@seveaux @beatseb @djlethalskillz @scuzzy I'm Game! lol
@seveaux @beatseb @djlethalskillz @scuzzy Computer generates 10,000 iterations of an amazing beat for beatbattle submission, what do you do? :D
I would sit, listen and learn... lol
awesome coriography
What part did you like the best? @mdarifishtiaque
Sounds like the perfect match for a mobile game :)
Could be! @steemboys. Too bad since I've composed for mobile games.
yet figured out how to bring more emotion into their creation. You cleverly pointed out that now that the mechanics are in place, they should start to work on those more intangible human music qualities.Great post @playitforward! I can't help to think that this music is still "human music" because the ultimate source of the creation is still us! AIVA is just using a very computationally intensive instrument, and their instrument is still in a nascent phase of development so it is excusable that they haven't
@particleandwave I think the problem they will find is that programming and emotion will fight against each other forever.
click here.Congratulations @playitforward, this post is the most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1411 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $12722.14. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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Congratulations, your post received one of the top 10 most powerful upvotes in the last 12 hours. You received an upvote from @thejohalfiles valued at 294.90 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.
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Do you remember when I proposed that we build almost exactly this back in 2009?!?
Yes haha, too bad we didn’t build it. @design-guy
Impressive and I will probably be hearing your work in the near future in a movie somewhere. PS I seriously want that computer! how do you keep it cook with all that processing power?
The samples on the soundcloud is actually seriously impressive! Imagine when they get to train this AI over a few years and are able to give more specific inputs.. Everyone can soon be a John Williams.
Maybe in 5 years we'll see tech startups make the soundtracks for most AAA movies.
"Original Music by Intel"@znaffe Haha! That would be a weird world.
Thanks for checking out the post! Have another good one for tomorrow.
It's not far fetched at all, considering the rate of technological advancement.
Thanks for a good post!
@znaffe It isn't, you're right. It is a little scary, considering all of us who have spent so many years learning music. I consider myself on the edge of Music and Technology though.
It will, however it's already being sold this year. Are you worried? @viktoriyani
no not worried at all, I like innovative things since we live in an innovative world
@viktoriyani Indeed, Do you make music as well?
no but I listen to music daily, brings me joy :)
Interesting program, worth looking at it a bit deeper.
Great news , but i beleive he can Never replace humain talents and feelings in composing music .
@amirouch I think you're right. It can't replace it, but it can be used to make music that humans can perform which sounds more human. It is a great tool, and as a composer I will want to do this too.
Haha! I'm down. Let's talk about it. Your last post was amazing! Please shoot me an email at [email protected] and we can talk about it. @vibekilla
Thanks, didnt know about this project. At first I thought that aiva only composed the sheet music. I was baffled to learn that it kind of played all the virtual instruments. (Did it do also the mixdown?). I like classical music but i'm not very fond of full orchestration. The solo piano piece was clearly influenced by at least 50 % bach (I loove bach) and I couldnt tell a difference if composed and or played by a human. Bach is an interesting choice cause it doesnt have to deal with a lot of dynamic play too much. But there was dynamic play! The orchestra pieces sound too perfect, could use more dynamic...but that is just how I hear most orchestra music. In the end it is the performer or the conductor deciding what could be played in what mood. There can be dramatic changes with the same piece played by different performers. I would like to see some research, blinded test with experts in classical music. I'm pretty sure they cant figure out what the pieces of aiva are. And sounds like aiva is in its infant shoes.
Yes, computers will outperform humans in art pretty soon and already right now. I wouldnt be surprised if in 2 years we find out that the 3 of the top ten music hits are written by AI. Maybe soon AI will create a new genre of music...its learning from masters, influencing, mixing it up and improvising....just how humans invent new genres.
"Machines have no feeling"....well...this is a point we wont figure out that soon. Maybe not yet....but what are we? We are machines, we have a (pretty much) central processing unit and the basis of our thoughts is a complex neural network and we are highly influenced by biochemistry and sensoric input...we can process tiniest differences in airpressure and we can "hear" (hearing is amazing...seeing even more)
....we dont understand consciousness yet...but there are many forms of consciousness (psychedelics can give a hint about this). I'm pretty sure AIs will have consciousness, but it wont be in no form like ours...cause the inputs are so different.
I think it can do what they assign it to do. I think it can do the sheet music, but also has samples it can access. The piano was mostly Bach oriented. Since there are strict rules for Bach, I didn't find it THAT impressive but it did sound like Bach could have written it. I agree... Orchestral pieces are so dynamically diverse that when a sample just plays at the same level or small range, it doesn't feel real. Right AIVA is in it's infancy. It does sound like it's written by a young composer to me, perhaps high school age but well trained.
That's actually a compliment to them though, since that's hard to recreate. I agree that computers can outperform humans in art, but I don't agree that their performances will be any more than just quantity. I think the human brain and artistic sensibility go hand in hand. Unless the specific artist is programming and knows how to, they won't be able to make their own style very well unless they just do the art themselves. If AI can be used to pitch new genres of music, maybe there won't be genres in the future at all. Maybe it will be that music is just music, and stuff can sound similar but blend styles so much.
Right, so machines can't understand consciouness or unconsciouness, or subconsciouness yet, since we're still discovering what those mean for ourselves. And the feelings, expression, interpretation... that a computer can't do yet. A computer can calculate, and create based on those, but it can't interpret these subcontexts that humans are able to do so well. But as always, technology can prove me wrong too. @darwin.finch
@playitforward Would you say that art is in the creation or the interpretation? Or, maybe I should ask, if an unsuspecting audience member happened to be moved by a piece that was created by an AI, would it matter if the brain-thing that created it was electronic versus organic?
If an audience is moved then I'll pay more attention to it. As of right now the music isn't at a point where it's moving, just at a point where it's technically starting to get to competition level. @tajmikel But to answer your question, no it wouldn't matter. But the technicality of a computer making judgments like a human brain isn't there yet. Hopefully someday soon.
I see what you're saying but I think appreciation of art is (of course) highly subjective, and especially to the uninitiated (those unfamiliar with the process of making or producing music), even what might be considered amateur or folk works can move many. I think the music is therefore already at a point where it can move audiences, and I even found myself a bit inspired by some of the AIVA works. :D I appreciate your insight and thank you for your reply! :)
Initially I wanted to write that AIs proberbly will not be able to create new genres, only recreate similes. but then I was thinking about it and the neural networks I have seen perform, creating "lifeforms" made of sticks and balls being able to get better at achieving a certain goal in the most unexpected way by an evolutionary process. Lets see whats coming. Everything is so exciting right now!
I was quite impressed by what I heard from the first few samples you posted. I once watched a YouTube video that attempted to show a computer randomly learning how to play music after if was fed classical works and it sounded very robotic. In some circles these pieces can pass off as "real music". I'd love to see what they have lined up next. Thank you for sharing this.
That's what I'm hoping for next. Hopefully something professional grade that anyone can access. Like a high-quality app or all-in-one music making machine! It is impressive in most ways. I would love to see that youtube video you saw! @adriansilas
Haha, I laughed at the ornamentation section :D @adriansilas
What's your opinion on fruityloops ?
@hemanthoj, You know I don't want to sound biased because I've never used it. I have always see parts of it and thought that it was sort of like Garageband, not super pro but good for people who what to just make music. The more hardcore programs that allow more manipulation, power, etc are what I prefer because of their flexibility on so many levels. Digital Performer is the most flexible sequencer for composing, especially through composing. Logic is okay, but DP beats it in my opinion. I may give logic a solid chance again sometime though. For mixing and mastering Pro Tools is definitely the one.
However, it is not to forget that it is a machine.
It is a machine, this is true. @blackybabies A pretty good sounding machine though huh?
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
As a music artist myself, I've been concerned about things like this for a while now, but I hope people will at least prefer human music makers to artificial ones. I mean, it's interesting but also scary.
It's silly and crazy that we even have to type human music to clarify that there's a non-human music. I don't think about it as a replacement except potentially in the game world (which are some of my clients). I do think of it as an asset for composers as well to use the tech to make frameworks or inspiration for finishing pieces. @nathanweeksart What are your thoughts?
"To me, the first thing that comes to mind about this is that it poses an opportunity for music composers to use this technology to create musical ideas and transform them into something more human." - Yes to this! AI can allow us to explore creative possibilities that didn't exist before.
Sure and the other thing I must mention as a composer myself, (well I call myself a sonic artist really ) is the enjoyment of doing it. There is also the issue of engineering, equalization, mastering which is an ear experience and differ from each other and can be easily 'spoted' from a machine. Sure the industry, specially the video game industry (where the music works pretty much as background) may take a great advantage of AI 'composers' like Aiva, but the general public , the one's who enjoys live music, when the music theme is the central subject, the true listener will never be fooled by a machine and will easily distinguish the emotional differences.
@projections, this is true. There is an enjoyment of doing it. Just like you said, engineering, equalization, mastering, those are ear experiences. And actually what makes good mastering and mixing is the individual's ears and how they want to hear it. I don't know if the emotion part will be solved by people anytime soon for programming emotion seems impossible. But we might always be surprised some day. I fully agree with everything you said, except I do think the composers AI based are definitely a strong asset for us composers to use as a jumping off point on our compositions or to show us ways we can get out of certain parts. Sometimes you just get stuck writing in a specific section. If you could plug your piece in up to that point and have it treat the music as an unfinished piece, it could then help push you along to finishing more pieces.
@suncloud This is true, I actually have a post coming that's an album that was generated by AI. It in general sounds terrible, but as a composer, those are great building blocks to make something better out of. It's not too much of a threat to replace composers, but definitely a threat if composers don't know how to use it and work with it. Like any great new technological advancement, we must learn ways to embrace it or we will be considered "old-school." @projections
AI can be a great thing for humanity but also a dangerous one. We are currently playing with it, doing "nice" things, but once this becomes viable probably others will try to use it for military purpose. And from that point on, the forces of the world might change as we know them.

Nevertheless, the AIVA music generator is a great achievement and i would point out the work done by the creators for taking the things one step further in the musical world.
In a sense, AI has already been a part of military technology. Not as humanoid robots, but as drones. This will probably fork over to making more humanoid, or humanless killing machines. Who knows, someday maybe wars will be fought only AI vs AI and not humans involved. The only thing is, will the AI know not to harm humans.
This could be a huge advancement ot the music world, but I am wary of how it could harm music creators. @cryptorg
Strange, fascinating... Maybe if the a.i. Learned human music from processing millions of songs, who knows...Her, great movie
Yes, that would be cool. They could create remixes based on like songs / tempi / and keys.
Or if they had a sophisticated enough mockup system, they could just listen and recreate. Even create karaoke versions on their own. @clumsysilverdad
Pretty cool stuff! I'll jam to this at work today.
Thanks @hansikhouse! And thanks for the Resteem, wow! It's some crazy futuristic stuff. I think the beauty is really the hybrid of a computer writing it and humans playing it.
its lovely and amazing ,beautiful setup
Nice meme! @xyzposter, thankfully at least with the computer it's built using human tendencies and standards for theory, harmony, and in some cases, rhythm. What is an opportunity to me is using the technology to speed up the music creation process by helping generate ideas in a larger number, more quickly. Taking this information to write for the people that dedicate this passion, skill, and time to the music.
XD i know it isn't as black and white, it had great memepotential nevertheless. Cheers!
Hahaha very true.
The Future is still not here as the music composed were terrible to the ear drums, my gosh what is this garbage seriously I beg you to halt this project and let someone else work on it as you know this type of genre in music is not popular anymore and if this AI can't spit out popular genres then it is rendering useless like my garbage can.
It's definitely a step forward though. To be fair the music it's producing is much more complicated than most pop music. Bach counterpoint takes so much more time and energy than just writing a standard chord progression these days. Take it from the guy who uses both. I want to use it as a tool! :D @yippy123
I was just envisioning the progress of such a dystopian development last night. JK, but I do consider what such a program will do once it enters the pop industry, which is already questionable when it comes to the "human emotion" being conveyed. I feel like as this program progresses it could become the sole creator of pop hits in the future, as our minds numb, and we let our ears do all the listening. Artists like Katy Perry will go to musicbot records, sing a note or two, and the entire pop hit will be produced, lyrics and all.
As a musician, we already leverage software mightily. I used to create all my music with hardware until I found FL Studio and realized the advantages were large for me to cutover, but unexpectedly, through that transition, something was lost. A "feel" I had in my music became static and dry. That is, until I was able to integrate some of my old techniques into the music production, like plugging in instruments.
But once we let AI loose into the wilds of music production, it seems to me that some various gloomy eventualities present. However, I do really like the No Man's Sky soundtrack! Thanks for sharing.
Onward Indian.
@glowmo, I see part of what you're saying. But I think that Katy Perry is one of the most brilliant lyricists and her songs are literally and physically masterfully crafted for pop music. I think the AIVA computer could potentially come up with the magic framework that makes a pop song, but wouldn't be able to produce it to the level her producers can. I mean Max Martin vs a computer... anyone would hire Max Martin. Regardless of price.
Yes, the digital feeling loses it all. That's why I supplement it with analogue modeling with my UAD interface and plugins.
No Man's Sky was brilliant huh? When I played it I just was mindblown that it could be all procedurally generated... like... how is the whole world not freaking out about this still?
my first company name was AAiva
bit seemlier to ur name ..hello @playitforward
@animag, cool! what did your company do?
we were in designing Indian traditional clothing ....
That's really cool. You can make an AI to generate textiles @animag
not getting you
This helps me sleep every night. Thanks, it's very peaceful and soothing.
hard to believe a programm made this :D
I always sleep better at night when I know AI can potentially steal my job in 10 years. ;) @kindersaft
This is neat stuff! Very well written article too
I think it would alleviate the workload of composers, but it would not replace human talent
Yes! @blanca56 this is what I think exactly as well. Thanks for commenting and reading about it!
A while ago I saw a drama "Humans" on artificial intelligence. I have an interesting interest in artificial intelligence. The music of aiva sounds very natural and beautiful.
Hi @steemarmy,
I would love to watch this drama "Humans," even though it sounds sort of terrifyingly interesting.
I have mixed feelings. AIVA only sounds natural in parts because they are recordings of people playing them, and because it was programmed by humans based on human tendencies in music. This is true that it does a decent job, but it doesn't come anywhere near actually replacing human composition yet.
Thanks friend
incredibly interesting, thank you for putting this together. i had the chance to listen to the soundcloud page some and i am surprised by the emotional complexity Aiva is able to achieve.
as a someone who composes music for others for a living this is slightly threatening. are we going to be gone away with like truck drivers and factory workers in the AI future?
As a professional composer, I have to say that this technology is frightening on the one hand and intriguing on the other. The question remains, what makes an ingenious composition. Is it the mere application of musical rules or is creativity not in the violation of the rules and the right balance in between?
Definitely an exciting development!
I agree, I guess in a way it has to just be good enough to impress everyone who isn't a composer. It's definitely about balance of following reasonable musical rules while also breaking those rules that makes a good composer. Often compositions do call for solid structure and no rules broken too. I guess to what extent do you use AIVA and in what circumstances does its application help the music production process. @lifesciencemusic
The lack of human touch and feel in the compositions is obvious enough to a musician like myself, however I'm so overwhelmed by the magnitude of this achievement, that Its an insignificant factor to me. Bravo! Very VERY good job.
I am with you there! It's huge. It doesn't feel overwhelmingly human, there are humanistic elements, but again thats what you get when a human programs a computer to sound like a human. @futuremind
It's an amazing achievement nonetheless, and will most certainly suffice for many applications cutting costs for companies in audio track solutions while not threatening the industry. I love it! I just followed your blog.
@futuremind thank you! More cool posts to come.
Ai and crypto is the future. I can't wait to see where we are in 10 years
There's more, I have a post coming out on new years day if you are interested. I think there are three major things coming up. AI, Crypto, and the third will be in my post on Monday. :) @mathias240
excellent post friend you have my vote and I will start to follow
Thank you @joelgonz1982, I look forward to seeing what you think of the posts to come!
Very @animeetoo
I love it .
Thanks friend>>>>1!!!!!!
@programing Your name is Programming, surely you might be able to create something to generate midi notes in different ways, right? :)
wow Very interesting Really beautiful work, ThankS you for sharing
It helps thank you for sharing
Here's an AIVA post. :)
Amazing. I just love it!
Nice update I'll also try it out
@sammie5, Let me know your experience. They only allow people who request a piece at this time and I'm not sure how much it costs yet!
Great Article...! here i try to write article about ### Latest Gadgets
Let me know if you like it.
Just upvoted your post! Thanks for writing that. I didn't know about Amazon Trash actually! @vnyrox
very amazing. i love it.
i am new here so vote me and follow me.
Thanks, what part of AIVA do you love most? @cristitaylor
This was very interesting, thanks for sharing! Very in depth and informative.
Great News about music, guys you are fabolous
technology is owsome, I like this type of music.
@zainqureshi, have you heard of this type of technology before?
Wooww.. Fantastic