Recently I had been browsing for J-pop songs to add in my playlist because my playlist got bland already coz I haven't been updating it for months now. I came across different songs and some of them are good while others are just off the bat "meh".
There were good old Japanese songs like 今宵の月のように(koyoi no tsuki no you ni) by Elephant Kashimashi and 白い雲のように(shiroi kumo no you ni) by Sarugan Seki that I browsed into. There were also hip new ones like Azalea by Nano.ripe and 言って(itte) by Yoroshika, I think I downloaded around a dozen or more J-pop songs but one song caught my attention among them. This song that I am saying here isn't really that deep in lyrics, neither the singers aren't something that stands out that much to begin with. The song that I am wanting to share in this post is the song titled "Irony" by Claris.
As I said, there isn't anything that special about this song compared to the other songs that I had been listening for years now. The artists aren't bad either, I find their performance(some of their concerts) and their music videos entertaining but they aren't that special as well. With dozens of new artists and hundreds of songs that is being produced in Japan yearly, I think what makes Claris successful out of most of the music artists in Japan is the fact that some of their songs are used as Anime openings or an Ending themes.
I think that the most popular song that they had made so far is Irony(the opening song of My Sister Cannot be this Cute) and Ero Manga-Sensei's opening song. These two opening songs had their own success because the Animes were they belong theirselves are successful (as a seasonal Anime).
So I was randomly listening in Youtube for a good J-pop song while I was playing a game and this song struck into me. With the first lines going, "sonna yasashiku shinaide, donna kao ga sureba ii no? tsumikasaneta kotoba de mienai yo kimi no yokogao...", I went nuts!
Like, the voice of these two girls of Claris fits the song very well that I felt the frustrations of the song about their crush. I felt the pain, its on the song
If you do not understand what does the first two lines says, I will translate it it for you by breaking the two sentences here:
"Sonna Yasashiku Shinaide" ,means "don't be kind to me". "Sonna" is "such" in Japanese, "yasashiku" means "to be nice, to be kind" and "shinaide" what makes the sentence complete. It is really hard to explain these three word sentence in a simple way because Japanese and English not only differs in letters, they are also different in a large margin in Grammar and sense.

Painful and sacrificial love is a really beautiful thing. I think one of the attractive things that makes them appealing in literature, drama and such is the complexity and maturity behind the matter. People tend to think that loving is like possessing someone while the truth- its not. Loving someone in exchange of nothing is the true love(and Bitcoin gold is the one and true bitcoin).
Personally(as mentioned before), I don't want to be involved in such complexities but I am ready if I need to. As Jackie Chan said, "the best fights that you make are the fights that you are able to avoid" and I do not know why I have to mention him here because I am already losing words to say here. Hahahaha. I need to end this post now.
I failed to post these past two days because I wasn't able to have the time and confidence to do a post. I think not posting is better than making a zero relevant post even people say that I don't get anything from posting.