With only a picture & and a couple of words could you write a song?

in #music8 years ago

MOBY - NPR MUSIC PROJECT SONG. Take a few pictures and a short list of words and create a song. Think you could do it?

On an early winter's evening, with an acoustic guitar and lyric sheet in hand, Moby and Kelli Scarr strolled up to Bob Boilen's desk and gave a small performance of their new song written and recorded at NPR. It was fascinating to see how the idea for "Gone to Sleep" unfolded. You can see that creative process unfold and DOWNLOAD THE SONG here: http://n.pr/8dh3B0.

We play it here

The Wave
Lincoln City Oregon
We Love It Here
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I love Moby... At this moment I'm working in a remix... When It's finished, I would like to share it with you.