It's been 8 years since I first listened to rap, this music style that stuck with me everywhere I went and changed my opinion on different subjects more than once. There is something magical about listening to all these rappers with their own universe. Whether it is Kendrick Lamar, Action Bronson, Brockhampton, Chance The Rapper or Childish Gambino, there is something for every taste and that's the beauty of this art ! I only really started listening to Belgian rap and to actively search for it two years ago though. I'm a big old-school rap lover and it is noticeable by checking my playlist, I was only listening to this kind of rap back in the days. I finally decided to talk about Belgian rap because it is full of gems that get unnoticed worldwide. As you may have already understood, each post of this series will introduce you to a Belgian rapper and some of his songs, featurings and albums. Today, we start with a big guy in the scene : Roméo Elvis. Coming from Brussels, he is considered by many as one of the best rappers of the new Belgian rap wave along with L'Or du Commun, a rap group he is really close to. I listen to Roméo Elvis more for his flow than his lyrics, even though it is undeniable that some of his songs are well-written. He is influenced by many music styles, which can be felt while listening to a big part of his songs, mainly the ones from his latest album in which you can find pretty much anything. Enjoy !
Favorite songs
1. Les hommes ne pleurent pas (Men don't cry)
Album: Morale 2Prod: Le Motel
Coming from his first album with Le Motel,
Les hommes ne pleurent pas is a song on which Roméo Elvis opens up on his romantic relationships. He can't help but cheat on his girlfriend while never being able to forget her. In the video clip just like in the lyrics,
he can't stop referring to his girlfriend, even in situations she has no business being in. The chorus finally closes everything by repeating "some men say they don't cry" in french, which actually means that he does cry due to his behavior.
2. Sabena (Sabena)
Album: Morale 2Prod: Le Motel
One of the most rhythmic songs he ever made alone, Sabena is the name of a Belgian airline company that went bankrupt 16 years ago (thanks Wikipedia !). The song itself has a high probability of referring to drugs, seeing that most of the expressions related to the sky can also be interpreted as drug expressions. I don't really listen to this song for the lyrics but for the rhythm. I haven't analyzed the lyrics that much so it could mean something completely different to what I said, the clip seems to hint at drugs too though.
3. Morale (Morality)
Album: MoraleProd: Le Motel
For a long time my favorite song from this artist was this one, it recently lost its first place though because of the newest album from Roméo Elvis. It is undeniably the best song from Morale. Roméo Elvis raps about the difficulties he has getting over his exes, which is close to the theme of Les hommes ne pleurent pas covered at the top of this post. The beat is incredibly appeasing as well as Roméo Elvis' flow which makes for a really calm and relaxing song.
1. Morale 2 (Morality 2)
2. Morale (Morality)
3. Famille Nombreuse (Big Family)

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Favorite featurings
1. J'ai vu (I've seen) feat. Angèle
Album: Morale 2Prod: Angèle & Le Motel
I absolutely love songs including family members so it is a no-brainer to put this one at the top. Angèle is his sister, she is already known by some people in Belgium for her new song : La Loi de Murphy (Murphy's Law). There is such a symbiosis between the two of them, it just feels good to listen to. I can only wish for a full duo album !
2. Apollo (Apollo) feat. L'Or du Commun
Album: ZeppelinProd: Vax-1
I've briefly mentioned L'Or du Commun in this post introduction, check out what happens when all those rappers decide to make a song with Roméo Elvis ! It's worth it pointing out that his very first project was with those guys, Bruxelles C'est Devenu La Jungle (Brussels Has Become The Jungle), an old-school project with an impressive rapping level for the first project that it was. This song however is way above what you would hear in that project ! It is also pretty rhythmic, which is often the case when these rappers get together.
3. Dobberman (Doberman) feat. STIKSTOF
Album: STIKSTOF/02Prod: Astrofisiks
I didn't know whether to choose for this one or for the one with peet in featuring but finally chose this one just for the two languages.
I am Belgian and yet I don't understand a single word of Dutch, it's the atmosphere that makes me like this song. It is really weird but I can't help listening to it again and again.
Some songs just can't be explained, this is one of them !
Favorite projects
1. Morale 2 (Morality 2)

It shouldn't be really surprising considering the songs picked in this post but Morale 2 is my favorite project of his so far. In collaboration with Le Motel like for his previous album, Roméo Elvis has opened up to way more styles than before, some songs not even feeling like rap such as Drôle de question (Funny question). When those two get together, they can't seem to do shitty songs !
2. Morale (Morality) 

And there is the first project between Roméo Elvis and Le Motel, they are made for each other. This album starts with a chill part and then gets to more rhythmic songs. The beats are also really calm contrary to the following album. Those last two projects of his show how easily Roméo Elvis can rap to any beat. Special mention for Intwodouckcheun (introduction pronounced with his accent) that still manages to make me laugh after so many listens !
3. Famille Nombreuse (Big Family) 

With just two projects left, Famille Nombreuse seems to be the one I like the most. It stays on the same rapping style as his first project, which means an old-school style. Overall, it is a good project even though being far from the level of the albums that followed it. There is no doubt in my mind that it won't be in my top 3 anymore once a new album comes out but it will keep being a good album no matter what, especially considering it was only his second one !
This post comes to an end, I hope you liked it ! Roméo Elvis hasn't yet failed a project in my opinion and I can only hope he never will ! We can pretty clearly distinguish two eras in his work; the old-school era with his two first projects, Bruxelles C'est Devenu La Jungle and Famille Nombreuse, and the new-school era with his two projects in collaboration with Le Motel,
Morale and Morale 2. At the time of writing this post, Roméo Elvis is my favorite Belgian rapper,
hence why I wanted to start this series with him. In the next post of this series, we should talk about a Flemish woman who raps and sings in English, see you next time !

Je suis en train de saigner "La Morale 2" vraiment du trés trés trés lourd Elvis !!!
Big à toi pour ce post et à toute la scène belge !
Mon préféré ! :D
Content que ça te plaise, la prochaine rappeuse est plus dans le rap "mainstream", parfois même éloigné du rap classique. On verra bien si tu aimes :P
Great track my bro made in SA. Give it a listen!
Don't ever post those kind of comments on my posts again if you don't want to be flagged.
Thanks for not reading.
EDIT: Since you try to paint me as a villain by editing your comment, here is the history of what his comment actually was. And since you downvoted me, I guess I can return the favor to you for being dishonest.