Something to think about.

in #music9 years ago

Roeloff Vorster here, 21 years old, and yet I feel so trapped in todays norms and society.
Young at heart but withering within the prison I've created within myself. I'm mostly going to blog about the thoughts of an outsider, rants included.

I've been "accepted" into a lot of groups and cultures in these long but elusive years, but always been seen as an outsider within a specific human genre. All, except for the metal culture. I've been the prettyboy Jock, the mysterious musician, the hip hop dancer and the longhair scum with the blasting metal music.
Funny enough, I've never drastically changed personally. I'm still a nice, outgoing, intelligent, charismatic man with manners, respect and of course, a extremely strong opinion. It's always been so ridiculous for me to see certain people accepted into cultures purely because of visual appeal. Metal definitely is like that too, although most metalheads in my opinion would not shun you from their sacred waterholes just because you don't look metal.
They will not have attitudes toward you because they have nothing to prove to the world, and believe it or not, metal music influences the world on a much larger scale than some would think.

I'm no psychology major but I've been thinking about this for a VERY long time.
No, seriously.

A very long time. (Suspense must be killing you?)
After watching an animated series called Metalocalypse, a ludicrous plot following a fictional band called Dethklok traveling all over the world causing pure mayhem and overthrowing the whole structure of society today, essentially creating an apocalypse due to heavy metal taking over the world.
Sounds crazy? Hilarious actually, the stereotypes of metal get obliterated in a quite satirical manner. Now how do I get to the whole "Influence the world" part?

Slowly but surely metal, as culture, is making a rise again like the grandfathers of the 80's metal scene. Remember the filthy 15? It's a list of songs that were banned due to lyrical content.
Sure, metal isn't all sunshine and roses, but it's an outlet. All metalheads grew up as children struggling to fit in, the survivors of a growing cancer within the music scene of today. These metalheads grow up to be commercial pilots such as Bruce Dickinson, Frontman of Iron Maiden.

Metal influences the very music that we listen to today. ALL GENRES.
Classical music is the foundation of all heavy metal, along with blues.

That's right. The sophisticated dinner party people and the oppressed folk.
That's a good description of the ones they refer to as "brutal" or "metal".
Intelligent, soft hearted and accepted into the school of rejects. But we like it here.

Thanks for the time


In your next post, maybe you can include image to catch attention. I use to host my pics and link them in my post. Check my post: