Just some simple experiments with different sounds and their spectra
At first there is a recording of a train arriving at the station and some people talking, followed by a synthetic orchestra playing a classical pattern. Then some instruments step to the foreground of the orchestra and play some short tunes: a clarinet, an oboe, some celli and a flute.
Two short experiments with different sounds of water follow. They are replaced by an orgy of ringmodulation.
The next part is a study of the sounds in a forest, first natural as they are, then alienated in the studio.
Thanks to some things I found in our household and one thing I got from my granddaugther I could build up a whole drumkit and play a short beat.
Then it gets scary, as sirens step in, first natural as they are – which is already scary enough – then processed by a granular engine – which drives the madness to a new level.
I have to say, your audio visual presentations are taking me to a focused calm state of mind, inspired even. I feel like I can appreciate and deeply contemplate about your content under psychedelic substances.
I have to say, your audio visual presentations are taking me to a focused calm state of mind, inspired even. I feel like I can appreciate and deeply contemplate about your content under psychedelic substances.
Keep up the incredible work.
Thank you so much! And, yes, I´ll surely will keep up my work.
Enjoy your life!