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RE: Why?

in #music5 years ago

Yes! That nails it! It´s easier for classic and neoclassic composers. They have their rules and things. Rules, which don´t guarantee, that their work is really good, but give a kind of guideline to decide, if their work is at least "OK" or not. Well, well, kind of doubtable on the other hand. Enjoy your day! Rolf


Thank you Rolf! :) I think you brought up a very substantial issue. Many artists refuse to get themselves into a set of rules but even more just get into a genre, that gives them the rules... it takes away a lot of decisions because you’re bound to the rules of the genre. It may be comfortable to create music in this style...but you loose your creativity to some extent....a very complex issue you brought up even implicates the question of how is music making evolving in the future. Ha I think I just repeated your statement in my own words ;)

Please check out the music of @onemedia....I feel you are going to like it :)