hey Eric,
you're welcome. what do you mean "expland the platforms by which I share my music...?
I've primarily used Soundcloud. Though it hasn't been for paid/sold music.
What type of music do you make, and how would you like to get it out?
There's going to be ALOT of interesting blockchain developments in the music industry, I'm sure there'll be plenty of new great platforms coming out soon to help artists earn more from their music. shall be interesting...
I have been sharing the music "old style", on CDs and sometimes through different format over the net, but, as you say, the blockchain technology is advancing very quickly and is going to be offering some seriously powerful platforms to do so and get paid for it too. PEERPLAYS is the main one I'm interested in for the moment: http://www.peerplays.com I hope it helps you too, namaste :)
mmm, not sure about Peerplays at it looks like a gambling tournament deal...?
Muse blockchainhttp://www.peertracks.com is another one I just stumbled across yesterday for the music industry - which is built on the