Composed by Umberto Tozzi and Giancarlo Bigazzi in 1979 - original version in Italian - an English language version was done by Jonathan King and performed by Laura Branigan in 1982. Although the music remained largely unchanged in the 1982 English language version, the words and sense of the story of the song were very much altered. In this original version, the singer is looking for a woman who is still a fantasy to him, but who he knows exists and he is willing her into his life. This 2011 video was shot in Monte Carlo with Umberto Tozzi's daughter, Natasha, as the young woman and Romolo Gianni as the man. Umberto Tozzi appears on the casino steps at the end of the video next to his daughter.
Gloria, manchi tu nell'aria
Manchi ad una mano,
Che lavora piano,
Manchi a questa bocca,
Che cibo più non tocca,
E sempre questa storia,
Che lei la chiamo Gloria.
Gloria sui tuoi fianchi
La mattina nasce il sole
Entra odio ed esce amore
Dal nome Gloria.
Gloria, Manchi tu nell'aria
Manchi come il sale,
Manchi più del sole,
Sciogli questa neve
Che soffoca il mio petto
T'aspetto Gloria
Gloria, Gloria chiesa di campagna, Gloria,
Acqua nel deserto, Gloria,
Lascio aperto il cuore, Gloria,
Scappa senza far rumore,
Dal lavoro dal tuo letto
Dai gradini di un altare
T'aspetto Gloria.
Ah, ah Gloria, per chi accende il giorno
E invece di dormire,
Con la memoria torna
A un tuffo nei papaveri,
In una terra libera
Per chi respira nebbia,
Per chi respira rabbia,
Per me che senza Gloria,
Con te nuda sul divano
Faccio stelle di cartone
Pensando a Gloria.
Gloria, manchi tu nell'aria
Manchi come il sale,
Manchi più del sole,
Sciogli questa neve
Che soffoca il mio petto
T'aspetto Gloria
Gloria, Gloria, chiesa di campagna, Gloria,
Acqua nel deserto, Gloria,
Lascio aperto il cuore, Gloria,
Scappo senza far rumore,
Dal lavoro dal tuo letto,
Dai gradini di un altare,
Ti aspetto Gloria.
Gloria, I miss you like the air,
You are missing from my hand,
That works slowly,
Missing from my mouth,
That no longer touches food,
And always the same story,
Call her Gloria.
Gloria at my side
The morning sun is born,
Hate leaves and love comes in
From the name of Gloria.
Gloria, I miss you like the air,
I miss you like salt,
Miss you more than the sun,
Melt this snow that suffocates my heart
I am waiting Gloria.
Gloria, Gloria is a country church,
Gloria, is water in the desert,
Gloria, I leave my heart open,
Gloria , run quietly, from work, from your bed,
From the steps of an altar
I am waiting for you Gloria.
Ah, ah Gloria, for the one who spends sleepless nights
With his memory returning
To poppy fields freed from reality,
For the one who breathes fog,
For the one who breathes anger,
For me, who without Gloria naked on my sofa,
I make cardboard stars thinking of Gloria.
Gloria, I miss you like the air
I miss you like salt,
Miss you more than the sun,
Melt this snow that suffocates my heart
I am waiting for you Gloria
Gloria, Gloria is a country church
Gloria, is water in the desert
I leave my heart open, Gloria,
Gloria run quietly, from work, from your bed,
From the steps of an altar,
I am waiting for you Gloria.