Do You Remember Gerry Rafferty? ジェリーラファティー覚えている??

in #music7 years ago

Do you remember the first song you heard or the first one you remembered? Having kids makes me think about things like this. I remember mine. I was four years old and out with my big brother. We were in a recreation center somewhere in Denver, Colorado. He was playing foosball or mini pool, that pool game with bumpers in it. For some reason, I clearly remember hearing over the sound system "Baker Street" by Gerry Rafferty.

あなたが聞いた最初の曲を覚えていますか?私は覚えている。親として私はこれについて考える。4歳でした。兄と一緒だった。私たちはコロラド州デンバーのレクリエーションセンターにいた。兄はミニプールをしていた。私はステレオでジェリーラファティーの "ベイカーストリート"を聞いて覚えています。

It's an amazing song, from the golden era of the Singer/Songwriter, late 60's to sometime in the 80's. A time of talented musicians who could incorporate 10 different instruments into a pop song. Others included Supertramp, Yes, Queen, Manilow​, etc.


That saxophone and the synth stab burrowed into my mind and made a home there. Every time I hear this song I am partially transported back to that blurry set of images in my mind. Maybe the reason why it's such a strong​ memory is It could have been that it was the first time venturing out without my parents. I definitely don't remember being out like that before.


I'm not sure exactly why it's such a vivid memory, other than the song is very memorable.


Do you have an early memory of a song like this? The first one you can remember? Did it leave a lasting impression?


I'll close with some other classics that trigger my childhood in a unique way, unexplainable other than to say they are special songs.

子供の頃に戻ってくるいくつかの曲で終わります。その感覚を説明することはできません。 彼らは特別な歌です。

Cliff Richard - We Don't Talk Anymore

Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out

Supertramp - Take The Long Way Home

Barry Manilow - Mandy

😭😭😭😭 they don't make them like this anymore. 彼らはもうこれ以上のようにはなりません。

Thanks for reading! 読んでくれてありがとう!




SUPERTRAMPのBreakfast in Americaが好きでこのレコード買いました。確かに Take The Long Way Homeも一緒に聞きました。
