Yeah the biggest reason is simply due to the lack of funds provided to the artists, I'd maybe make a lot more if I were to get lucky. But generally they pay very little to anyone to the extent it is unfair. And the other reason is the companies needed to upload to Spotify for free all use their partners companies for the earnings to be transferred and this requires jumping through hoops and third parties having your bank info.
You have full control of everything using web3 whereas on the web2 side your heard'ed to specific third party banking platforms just to withdraw, your also locked down with the music it's self then you'll find it flags your posting it anywhere else like youtube etc once Spotify sinks their claws into it or any third party even free one's it's very hard to take it down and even though you can if there is a large quantity of music that process is extremely long winded as well because it can only be ripped down one item at a time by providing a specific code and waiting for the host to take it off manually.
But I am honoured and humbled that you have said you'd like to see it hosted there. Maybe some day it might be I'm really not banking on it my self to be honest at this stage I am pretty much in favour of the web3 approach.
The best all around experience would be if web3 can topple the mainstream and take over the no.1 no.2 and no.3 spots for musician publications and earnings theoretically they should be but some people fear change and some just don't want to loose that income really they should all switch to the currency and payment systems associated with web3 if they expect to keep going forever as it just won't artist wise it's a really slow shift but I have high hopes in one platform currently under re-construction right now if that platform sticks to it's word and it releases fully furnished with all suggested and claimed features then that will change everything I think it has a potential to sink some big mainstream web2 platforms.
Honestly a web3 solution would be preferable. Only had the Spotify wish as currently there isn't a client that will amalgamate music I like from wherever it's coming from.
Apparently there is some kind of aggregator as an Android app and IOS app available but it only has selected NFT's. But yeah your looking for the google term eg. "Blockchain music aggregator app?"
Wasn't looking blockchain specifically. I have Cantata (I don't know if it came with the Manjaro install or if I installed it at some point) but haven't set it up yet (the setup screen made me think too hard which is generally terrible first thing in the morning pre-coffee, can't be trusted to make good decisions then) and I recently downloaded Nuclear (probably because I didn't know I had Cantata to try first, either way it opened without a setup screen but I haven't got around to trying to add anything to it yet and it looks like it would only let me grab playlists which is mildly inconvenient).
Yeah the biggest reason is simply due to the lack of funds provided to the artists, I'd maybe make a lot more if I were to get lucky. But generally they pay very little to anyone to the extent it is unfair. And the other reason is the companies needed to upload to Spotify for free all use their partners companies for the earnings to be transferred and this requires jumping through hoops and third parties having your bank info.
You have full control of everything using web3 whereas on the web2 side your heard'ed to specific third party banking platforms just to withdraw, your also locked down with the music it's self then you'll find it flags your posting it anywhere else like youtube etc once Spotify sinks their claws into it or any third party even free one's it's very hard to take it down and even though you can if there is a large quantity of music that process is extremely long winded as well because it can only be ripped down one item at a time by providing a specific code and waiting for the host to take it off manually.
But I am honoured and humbled that you have said you'd like to see it hosted there. Maybe some day it might be I'm really not banking on it my self to be honest at this stage I am pretty much in favour of the web3 approach.
The best all around experience would be if web3 can topple the mainstream and take over the no.1 no.2 and no.3 spots for musician publications and earnings theoretically they should be but some people fear change and some just don't want to loose that income really they should all switch to the currency and payment systems associated with web3 if they expect to keep going forever as it just won't artist wise it's a really slow shift but I have high hopes in one platform currently under re-construction right now if that platform sticks to it's word and it releases fully furnished with all suggested and claimed features then that will change everything I think it has a potential to sink some big mainstream web2 platforms.
Honestly a web3 solution would be preferable. Only had the Spotify wish as currently there isn't a client that will amalgamate music I like from wherever it's coming from.
Apparently there is some kind of aggregator as an Android app and IOS app available but it only has selected NFT's. But yeah your looking for the google term eg. "Blockchain music aggregator app?"
Wasn't looking blockchain specifically. I have Cantata (I don't know if it came with the Manjaro install or if I installed it at some point) but haven't set it up yet (the setup screen made me think too hard which is generally terrible first thing in the morning pre-coffee, can't be trusted to make good decisions then) and I recently downloaded Nuclear (probably because I didn't know I had Cantata to try first, either way it opened without a setup screen but I haven't got around to trying to add anything to it yet and it looks like it would only let me grab playlists which is mildly inconvenient).