Scotty Gee Radio Show Notes for June 2/2020

in #music5 years ago

Last night I tried a new theme for my Tuesday night radio show on Live 365. I thought it would be interesting to play a band that started with every letter of the alphabet. I called it Scotty Gee, A to Z. While I admit it sounds better if the letter is pronounced "zee" like it is in the United States, being Canadian I just can't do that, so Scotty Gee, A to Zed will have to do. :)

26 songs were played during the two-hour show, and if you are a lover of music I am sure that you could find something to whet your appetite. The station is slanted towards rock n roll, punk rock, and heavy metal but there has also been Hip Hop and even country music played on the station.

Here is a list of the bands played on the show last night with their Instagram handles.

Dangerous Curves - @dangerouscurvesrock

Greg Kihn

Kik Tracee

Michael Monroe - @michaelmonroeofficial

Off With Their Heads - dasowth.sgh

Queensryche - @queensrycheofficial

U.S. Bombs - @u.s.bombs

Young Fresh Fellows - @youngfreshfellows
Zebrahead - @zebraheadofficialA Day to Remember - @adtrBiters - @BitersCancerslug - @cancerslugEverclear - @everclearFire in the Radio - @fireintheradioHell in the Club - @hellintheclubIron Maiden - @ironmaidenJudas Priest - @judaspriestLocal H - @local_hNightmarathons - @nightmarathonsPablo Dylan - @pablodylanROOKIE - @rookiethebandScreeching Weasel - @screechingweazSupersuckers - @supersuckersVolbeat - @volbeatAugustines - @weareaugustinesX - @XtheBandOfficial

There are a variety of ways you can check out the station to find out if it is something that you would like to check out.

Listen to the Station Here
Check Out Our Spotify Playlist
Get the Show Schedule

Hopefully, you will check out a show and let me know what you think.


Thank you for the views, upvotes, and follows. They are all noted and appreciated.

Scott Gardiner (Scotty Gee) has released two books of poetry, runs an online radio station, and a Youtube livestream. Creativity is his passion.
