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RE: The new Tool album is masterpreice for me

in #music6 years ago

I cannot properly form an opinion until I have heard all of the songs in the proper order. So far, just heard some of them at random on Youtube. Like with all of their music, it can require a few listens before it "sticks with you". I wasn't big on Lateralus at first, because of the album that proceeded it but, after hearing it a few times while drawing, it became my favorite. I will have more to say about Fear Inoculum when I hear it proper. So far, I would say it is "okay". It is certainly less "aggressive" compared to their previous material. That isn't a bad thing, really. Also, it doesn't help this new album came out just as I was getting into King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, who put a million albums a day. lol... Thanks for sharing and I will get back with you once I have given this album an honest chance.