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Please do not use the KR hashtag for content unrelated to Korea or the KR community. Thank you.

Ah! So that's what "KR" stands for. I thought it would stand for "Killer Rocksong".

Thank you for telling me. Maybe they should rename the tag to "hashtag for content only related to Korea or the KR community, approved by hansikhouse" then.

Essentially you say, korea isnt listening to music. How can i reach my korean fans then? Actually, 3 of my friends are from korea. I meet them at least once a year.

I wonder why you chose to post your "New York City Photo Diary" on the KR tag. Maybe NYC has become the capital of South Korea over night. Or maybe the same rules must not apply to all.

The internet, so confusing.

oh goodness i love it!!!! i cant stop laughing.... killer rocksong.. yes..... exactly simon 2 major thumbs up to you

Why is “Tag Spam” or “Spamming in Tags” Bad
These two concepts are closely related.
Tag Spam = Using irrelevant tags, especially popular tags.
Spamming in Tags = Posting irrelevant or relevant, no (or low) value content to tags with High Frequency. (See Recently: Sports Stream Spam)
Both have the potential to render our current system of navigation useless if Tags are frequently abused.

There are plenty of ways to make your post more relevant and valuable for the community related to the tags you use. No one said you cannot use the tag, just that misuse/abuse of a tag should be avoided.

neither did i misuse the tag, nor did i abuse it.
quite the opposite, i post intentionally to the korean community as they are very open minded regarding new music styles (which an architect might not know). there are a lot of young and awesome people in korea who might be interested in this.

please stop spaming my comments. thank you

I free to post with any tag I choose, including #kr tag. It is not just for people in Korea.

Stop being a big POLICE jerk and mind your business.

Why do these people who live in Korea think the #kr tag is exclusively for them?

They do also use English tags as well.


i simply don't tolerate people who tell me what to do while they themselves behave the opposite way. in addition to this i don't tolerate wrong and inadequate information. i have nothing against korean people, i tend to like them.

I love all people, including Korean. There are a few that are taking the tags wat too seriously and it's ridiculous.

It's funny someone is yelling out shit like dont use the KR tag if the content isnt related to Korea...
And then look at his blog and the are NY city posts there with the tag KR in it 😂
Just because the post is written in Korean or ??you are?? Doesnt make that post related to Korea imo.
If you really want to be a smart ass maybe start doing it right yourself first?
And Simon! Rock on haha Killer Rocksongs for sure!

thanks mate, that's what i am talking about. i guess steemit also has its "specialists".
best thing: first positive comment on my next post is from a korean. rock on korea!