I still do have my Kawasaki yea and I still take it out for a ride when the weather is fine.
I started learning the guitar last year I was playing piano but I havent touched it for over 30 years and I dust it off along with my guitar lessons since I wanted to learn how to sing (which I am still learning the walkarounds of it) I am putting a lot of hours per day into practicing music though and that is the main reasson I don't blog as much as I did in the past. I probably dedicate about 6-8 hours per day in music for the past year and I can say that I have noticed some progress in my skills on every aspect of it piano guitar vocals reading music and composing sheet music as well.
I think I am addicted to music, it was kinda hard in the beginning but I am much more fluent now. In a point that I can play and kinda sing along without losing my tempo or messing up my pitch as much as I used to. I was watching my videos the other day from a year back and compared that to my present ones and I am kinda proud of what I managed to accomplish on my own so far.
I am glad you liked it <3