Another WOW from me! Thank you for introducing us to such a beautiful instrument. I never heard it before and it is amazing! I will mention your new series in my next steempearls, I think.
If you ever find time and joy, make a introduction of the armenian duduk too - my absolute favourite! ღ
Hello @soundreasoning This story made it to the ღ #steempearls of @tabea . Check it out at
Another WOW from me! Thank you for introducing us to such a beautiful instrument. I never heard it before and it is amazing! I will mention your new series in my next steempearls, I think.
If you ever find time and joy, make a introduction of the armenian duduk too - my absolute favourite! ღ
That's a great idea. I love the duduk. Hey, and thank you so much for the mention!
Nice to see some different kind of music instrument that still actually exist, this good for having a meditation.