TLS Ep. 73, Live Musicians In Tulsa!

in #music4 years ago

Hey everyone! Hope your week started out great! Last week we had 2, yes you read that right TWO new performers on the Tulsa Live Stream. Everyone welcome @The Struggle (@Ray Fields) giving Tulsa Live Stream an outstanding performance of originals followed directly by @Callann Briggid who presented some original pieces with the backup of @The Struggle. Then we had the talented @Muzika soothe us with some Oldies but Goodies, then to close out the show resident Guitar Dave was at the scene and rocked our socks off with some electric fun! See you all this week for another awesome show! See you all soon. Interested in being on the show? I'd love to have any and all Tulsa musicians, performers and actors. Contact me through whatever means you'd like! 539-777-0114. Looking forward to what we can do for Tulsa Music through this show. Can't make it to a live show? There's options for that! Call/Text me anyway. Tune in Thursday at 8:30pm! And if you feel so inclined hit that donations button and send your support to the Show or your favorite artist. Lastly, if you're a business and want to support what we have going on here we'd love to add you to our sponsorship list so you can donate and write it off for your taxes! Thanks again see you all Thursday!

live_local_entertainment_venue_musicians_live_live_music_073f.jpg#Music #Originals #AgainstTheGrain #LiveMusic #LiveStream #WeeklyShow