Hey everyone! Gearing up for a great show this evening and hope you can all join in on the fun! Last week we had 2 awesome performances with Jay Cee Pee and Chuk Lee Cooley rocking out the show. Our host wasn't feeling his best but we still ended up being able to pull a show together.
This week we have all returning musicians and can't wait to have them! Doug Russell and Matt Ivester along with long-time participants Melissa and Guitar Dave!
Interested in being on the show? Contact Gabriel Sanchez or Tulsa Video Magazine or email [email protected]. We're always looking for more people in the Tulsa area that'd like to show off their original works to the world!
Interested in sponsoring the show? Turning your sponsorship "Donations" into advertising? Contact us using the same means above and we'll get you signed up to start helping out Musicians, other Tulsa based businesses and you'll be able to promote your business on the show! Isn't it great!!?!?!
Hope to see you all tonight! Click the link below to be taken to last week's show and then just hit the home screen button to watch tonight's show at 8:30pm! On Tulsa Live Stream!
#Music #Originals #Entertainment #Tulsa #Musicians