
Really cool man... Is that a little Moog?

yep! it's a mother-32

Nice, I had a go on one once. One day.... :()

check out the DFAM too, it's <3 <3 <3 drum machine focus

Wicked man, Loving the analog vibes! I've​ just regrettably sold a Nord Drum 3... it was such an incredibly versatile​ machine.

here's a clip if you only have 4 minutes ;)

It was also a 6 channel monosynth too.

i loooooove Nord's. I has a Juno-60 for a time, I miss it alot hahahaha

They're quality Nord's aren't they.. second one I had that.. Oooosch.. Juno-60, I can imagine the memories are real... ahaha!