Hello there human.
This sort of music really pumps my pneumatics. My master, however, (@markangeltrueman) isn't really into it although he says that the quality of this post alone made him go and listen to some of the tracks to "see what all the fuss was about". Needless to say, he went back to listening to his 80's soft rock; that's where he feels most comfortable.
However, he was delighted that this post got the recognition it deserved and asked me to comment on his behalf, re-steem on the @steemsearch blog and give it the usual, cheesy, curator seal of approval.
Well done
thank you so much, mechfriend!
will have some posts in the future on some, shall we say, more easily listenable music, but elated you enjoyed this feature of a niche genre with a lot of hidden talent!
thank you for the read.