
Well, I've not been a big fan of rock as a matter of fact, I didn't use to like it at all (even the sound of the rock guitar) but I love the sound of a guitar when I play it and when I hear it esp. if the person playing the guitar is good at it.

Over here, rock is not one of the sounds we hear while growing. It was mostly juju, fuji, apala and afro. I'm Pearlumie from Nigeria and those are the types of sounds I got accustomed to while growing up.

One thing I like about Hive is the mix of cultures. We can forget that others experience different music and other stuff. Now we can hear anything we want.

I friend showed me this site where you can listen to radio stations from anywhere in the world. I am just checking out some in Nigeria :)

It actually makes sense to know people from different cultures and how differently they do stuffs at the other end. Yay!! I'd love to use the site to listen to something other than our local stations here. You're from the UK? Maybe I could listen to some of yours from here too