This tune was composed by Andy Mckee, and released in 2006. When I heard this piece of art for the first time, I was like: "Woah, nice, but this seems impossible to play". And went back to my usual activities.
Then some years later, I was trying to enhance my visual perception of motion, and my proprioception, so I started juggling. Some tricks seemed to be impossible to me, at the first glance. But with intense practice and repetition, it became really easy and natural to perform, almost like if it was innate, and so enjoyable. So I told to my self: "Oh! Maybe it's the same with guitar?".
So I went back to this good old video, grabbed my guitar, and started to learn, 4 hours a day, until my fingers were hurting too much to continue, sometime even bleeding. And after two weeks full of angriness mixed to a total ecstasy feel, I was able to play it entirely, not perfectly, but I did it. With absolutely no theorical knowledge of guitar, as I never too any guitar lesson. I was just watching videos, and learning...
Since this episode of my life, I've learned a lot of percussive-fingerstyle guitar tunes, and even started to compose, just by hear. And the more you play, the more you start to love doing it. It's the contrary of consuming something, like a lemonade let's say. Lemonade is marvelous at the beginning but sickening at the end. Making art is sickening at the beginning and Marvelous at the end.
Investing in art is the best long term investment you can make! (Who said Crypto?)
So one day, if you see something that amaze you, something that seems impossible to you to do: JUST DO IT! (cliché I know) It will be much faster than you think, with just a bit of dedication, you'll love it, and for a long time!
Enjoy my cover <3 (with some juggling in bonus at the end)
Thanks for reading, listening and watching.
Version Française:
Je n'ai pas trouvé le temps les amis, apprenez l'anglais, vous verrez, c'est facile. Héhé. Allez, salutations. T'façon Ya RIEN à comprendre. :D
Cool fire down brother