@magicalmoonlight thank you for the mention on this. @djfugly we definitely should chat in Discord, I'm sure we could definitely share a great deal of insight and tips with each other. I have been in the music business on a professional level for roughly 15 years now, so there isnt much that I dont know on the production and technical end. I'm sure you know things I dont, so lets link up!
Hey @terminallyill yeah for sure would love to meet up in discord. Yeah looking you up now
I got your friend request and accepted. Being you are a new member of the community, im going to invite you to the steemit greeters guild, a place where you can learn a tremendous amount of things to aid you on your journey as well as join in to help you grow and help other new community members grow. By investing time into selfless acts like helping others, you will be surprised how much personal growth you see in the process, from followers, networking and monetary rewards. I am also creating educational rooms and such that could certainly use you as a music provider or teacher of sorts, if you are up to the task, Heres the direct link. Hope to see ya there friend!
I'm there and