lol, you could have told me all this in pm, you drama queen
sorry i guess, i thought you were telling me to post it, at least i saw your text quick before it got indexed
now get out of here before someone sees you interacting with the porn guy, someone may start doubting your claims of asexuality ;))
Don't be a cunt, ya cunt. Change the title. And I don't talk to you for the sexuality and you know that.
Also, why would I have told you to post something ending with a heart? I don't see how this made any sense in your head.
If you want me to PM you, unblock me? I usually say I understand you, but today is out of bounds for anything I may have thought before. We'll talk more in PM once you decide to unblock me....
dunno, maybe because you were telling me that i should come back after 4 months of inactivity?
im unblocking you when you apologize for calling me cunt, we had an agreement
Alright. Sorry. I got carried over. You know I'm moody. :(