TO THE KINDNESS OF GOD: An Album Review (Track 4)

in #music6 years ago

To the Kindness of God 4.jpg

Continuing my review of Michael Card's To the Kindness of God. Previous articles in this series are posted below.

  1. Come as You Are
  2. Hymn to the Kindness of God
  3. The Shelter of the Shadow
  4. That Kind of Love
  5. When Dinah Held My Hand / Jesus Is on the Mainline
  6. Gomer’s Song
  7. This Is My Father’s World
  8. I Will Be Kind
  9. Why Not Change the World

“That Kind of Love” is by singer-songwriter Pierce Pettis. It’s a beautiful song, musically and lyrically, and a natural fit among the other songs on the album. The lyrics are capturing. Michael’s voice is clear and bright.

“It can’t be kept unto itself, It spreads its joy, it casts its spell, Till no one’s safe this side of Hell—That kind of love.”

The last lines of the song brought the message close to home for me:

“So how can anyone deny That kind of love, Knowing every heart is measured by That kind of love…”

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love hesed—mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8, ESV)

“…O may we be remembered by That kind of love.”

(To be continued...)