Music - Saturday Chill

in #music3 months ago

Sitting here in my (little) 'man cave come office I am really appreciative of the quiet (people-less quiet) before the festive family and friends onslaught from Monday onwards. So I put on some relaxing tunes from yesteryear and I choose to share a few with my Hivian friends.

Love him or loathe him, Elton John's music has depth .... for me hard to explain what I mean. Even the simple melodies seem to have substance. (HELP @mipiano ...)

I was a mere lad of thirteen years old and was still mourning the sudden passing of my mother when this next track. Has very strong emotional memories .... I can listen to it over and over...

What a voice, what a composition...

I know every generation thinks their music was 'the best decades' ...but to my mind late 60's to late 80's ... maybe even into the 90's (think Nirvana, Green Day U2 ) the music was phenomenal. A far richer diversity in genre's , exploring boundaries than previously and thereafter

Just my 5c worth.

For me the only version of this song ...... love it.

{sigh} Okay, off to the real world now... have some gifts I still need to wrap.

Happy holidaze all .... may it be a blessed time with your loved ones and close friends.



Glad you did spend your time in your mancave to bring above post.

  • Elton John: from the moment I listened to him for the first time - must have been back in the late 70s when I was old enough to appreciate music (start of primary school time I suppose) - he grabbed my heart. The love for his music became even bigger when I started noticing his drive for shows and his drive to be different (clothing style and such). My appreciation increased even further when I watch the movie about him. For sure one of those artists in the top of my list. Dis you know our friend @por500bolos also gave Elton John also more than a mention this weekend?

  • Don't Cry for me Argentina: Such a beautiful song! In many different interpretations, it always (well, in most instances) moves some emo through my body.

NJOY your Sunday, your silence time, before all the Xmas madness.

Thank you my friend ... all the best to you and your loved ones this silly season.

Thanks as well 🙏