Alice Cooper - Rock Classics #29

in #music7 years ago (edited)

This Guy is Older Than Me!

7-Day Wayback Music Challenge as it related to my youth and student times - however I can not mix and integrate everything together - so here comes my Rock Classics Edition No. 29.This is not the only reason I chose to write about Alice Cooper today. One other reason is to see more by @rivalzzz as he can show visuals or experience around the guy. The official reason to go with Alice Cooper today is my edition no. 29 of my #RockClassics series on Steemit which I need to maintain a bit (#28 already long ago) - could be also a submission of my 6th day of the

Who The F... is Alice?

Alice is not a girl, but a boy, an old lovely Rocker usually famous for being dressed like a freak the usual parents are scared of lol. He was born as Vincent Damon Furnier back in 1948 and became famous to me and the outside world with his song Schools Out - the hymn of every frequent visitor of schools - I included teachers and pupils here.

Alice is successful now since of fifty years - and he did a lot during his career. Being the hard guy working with blood and master effects on stage he is one of the nicest guys you can imagine in his private life.

The music media called him "The Godfather of Shock Rock" which he used for the success of his work having played also in Hollywood movies as guest horror shocker superstar. He originally comes fro Arizona and Alice Cooper as a brand / name was a band he was lead singer for - that band released its first album in 1969. In the 70ies Alice (Vincent - the guy with the shocking performances lol) adopted the band's name as his own name and became a superstar - mainly known in the art rock / metal space but he experimented with a lot of different sub genres such as art rock, new wave, glam metal and industrial rock.

Listen to some of his Classics!


(C) by NealPreston Photography

Hell yeah, that’s how rock n roll looks like after a fantastical evening. Step out of the venue in the morning at 6am Alice is captured by the honored photography.
This shot is from Hollywood, 1977 and is a very special moment for Alice ;-)

What a great photo! He was leaving that place I guess!

@calisay jea, and latelty maybe he was back there for the memories 👍

Der kommt mit Hollywood Vampieres am 3. Juli 2018 in die Schweiz (Samsung Hall). 😜

Great if you can see Hollywood Vampires in concert. They don't come to Spain, and I don't have the chance to go to Germany or any other country!
It remembers me that in the 80s Johnny Depp composed (but not performed) a song with the band that he was in for some time, Rock City Angels. I love this song, called "Mary"

He is also a keen golfer, which is not very rock n roll. Great article.

Der alte Mann rockt immer noch, cool🤘

Seen him live twice! Such a brilliant show both times!

I am super excited about The re release of the 1975 tv video release of welcome to my nightmare the 26th is my Birthday and I am hoping my boyfriend gets this for me. I saw this once when I was a little kid been looking for it ever since. Vincent Price does the narration always been a huge fan of his as well.

Now he's No More Mister Nice Guy on the golf course ;-)

Nice post , rock n roll looks like fantastic evening now .

Thanks for sharing @uwelang

Upvote you ...

It 's amazing how some of this old farts can still be on stage and do their things very well.

I saw Alice Cooper live in 2002 at Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona. His daughter Calico was also acting in the show. It was my first time in an Alice Cooper concert and the show was amazing. The mix between the theatrical show and the music is perfect. Haven't had the chance to see him live again, but must recommend it, it is more than a music concert.

This guy has awesome hairstyle